Graduate Degree Programs
Master of Engineering in Architectural Engineering
The master of engineering (M.Eng.) in architectural engineering primarily focuses on coursework. A candidate for the M.Eng. program will complete 30 credits of coursework with a minimum of 18 credits at the 500-level. Students follow the approved program of courses for one of the four available option areas, with minor modifications permitted for special interests with approval from the graduate program officer. Each student must submit a professional quality technical report, generally derived from work completed in one of the student’s courses. Learn more »
Master of Science in Architectural Engineering
The master of science (M.S.) in architectural engineering contains a mix of research and coursework. M.S. students take a minimum of 30 credits that consist of 24 credits of courses and a six-credit research thesis. A student's program of courses in the M.S. program is developed in cooperation with the student's academic adviser with a minimum of 12 credits at the 500-level. Students that obtain the M.S. degree are well prepared for positions in the building industry or for continuing their education in a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) program. Learn more »
Doctor of Philosophy in Architectural Engineering
The doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in architectural engineering focuses on the development of critical thinking skills based on extensive coursework and a thesis that displays a student’s ability to conduct high-quality, original scholarly research. Students gain valuable in-depth knowledge and experience in the building industry and in fields related to their coursework. The student’s program of courses is developed in cooperation with the student’s Ph.D. committee. It is recommended that the course plan contain approximately 30 credits of courses beyond a master’s degree, although there is no established minimum or maximum. Ph.D. graduates are prepared for positions in academia, at research laboratories, or within companies or associations in the building design and construction industries. Learn more »
Integrated Degree Programs
Undergraduate students in the Department of Architectural Engineering may also participate in the integrated bachelor and master of architectural engineering (B.A.E./M.A.E.) or integrated bachelor and master of science (B.A.E./M.S.) degree programs.
SARI Requirements
Scholarship and Research Integrity (SARI) training is a Penn State J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School requirement delegated for specific planning and enforcement to the colleges and programs. Students in the M.Eng., M.S., and Ph.D. programs are required to complete the two components of training. For more information on SARI, visit SARI@PSU.
AE students enrolled in AE 543: Research Methods will be given credit for all five hours of discussion-based training for their participation in all SARI-related components of the course.