Architectural Engineering Computer Support

For Information Technology (IT) support questions, software issues, and computer-related issues, please contacted the Architectural Engineering (AE) Support Helpdesk using your Penn State email account.

Service Status Alerts

View service status alerts from Penn State IT.

Office 365

Penn State uses Microsoft Office 365 as its preferred productivity and collaboration software. Every student, staff, and faculty member has an Office 365 account. 

OneDrive for Storage

As part of Office 365, Penn State users have access to OneDrive for Business/SharePoint as a cloud storage solution. 

It is recommended you backup all data to OneDrive. If you are collaborating as a group, it is recommended that you use Microsoft Teams to share files and communicate with the group.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

The College of Engineering utilizes Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to give students access to software applications from anywhere. Computer labs in the Department of Architectural Engineering (AE) are fully equipped with VDI, and access is available both at the physical labs (Sackett 307/308 and 301 EUA Design Studio) and remotely. Learn more »


Many software applications are provided by the department in computer labs or via VDI. Learn more »

Additional or personal software can be purchased through Software at Penn State.

Laptop Requirements

More information about the College of Engineering’s laptop requirements for students is available on the College of Engineering IT website.

Printing WPA/PawPrints

The department provides $4.00 (40 pages) of credit to all AE students at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Any unused credits will expire at the end of each semester. Learn more »



Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394