Job Opportunities

Companies interested in posting job openings on this page should email the job description (PDF or web link) to Brenda Colby at Please be sure to include the position location, application info, and whether the position is an internship opportunity, full-time entry-level position, or a full-time experienced position.

Postings will remain online for four months or until we are notified the position has been filled, whichever occurs first. If the position is not filled within four months, please contact us to repost it.

Internship Opportunities

Layton Construction
State College, PA
GM McCrossin
Bellefonte, PA
GM McCrossin
Bellefonte, PA
Colliers Engineering & Design
Philadelphia, PA
Nations Group
State College, PA
Penn State Office of Physical Plant (OPP) Sustainability Institute
University Park, PA
McCullough Construction
Intern (PDF Ad)

Washington, D.C.
TLC Engineering Solutions
Miami, FL
TD&H Engineering
Media, PA
Baltimore, MD
Multiple Locations - TX
Multiple Locations - TX
Multiple Locations - TX
Multiple Locations - TX
Multiple Locations - TX
Multiple Locations - TX
RDH Building Science
Oakland, CA
Fairfax, VA
Mosaic Engineering and Consulting
Alexandria, VA
Consigli Construction
Multiple locations
Consigli Construction
Washington, D.C.
Consigli Construction
Multiple locations
Consigli Construction
Multiple locations
H.F. Lenz
Multiple locations (PA & OH)
H.F. Lenz
Pittsburgh, PA
Clune Construction
Vienna, VA
Weigand Associates, Inc.
Germantown, MD
Engenium Group
Intern Designer (PDF Ad)

Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD
Affiliated Engineers, Inc. (AEI)
Madison, WI
Walter P Moore
Multiple locations
Walter P Moore
Multiple locations
Penn State Office of Physical Plant (OPP)
Construction, Lighting/Electrical, Mechanical
University Park, PA
Sean O'Connor Lighting
Los Angeles, CA
MEYERS+ Engineers
San Francisco, CA and New York, NY
MEYERS+ Engineers
San Francisco, CA and New York, NY
MEYERS+ Engineers
San Francisco, CA and New York, NY
WEBBER/SMITH Associates, Inc.
Lancaster, PA
WEBBER/SMITH Associates, Inc.
Lancaster, PA
Keystone Structural Solutions
Pittsburgh, PA
Ferry Electric Company
Pittsburgh, PA

Entry-Level Positions

Los Angeles, CA
McCullough Construction
Washington, D.C.
Whitman, Requardt & Associates (WRA)
Pittsburgh, PA
Whitman, Requardt & Associates (WRA)
Pittsburgh, PA
McCullough Construction
Project Engineer (PDF Ad)

Washington, D.C.
H.F. Lenz
Multiple locations
H.F. Lenz
Pittsburgh, PA
Atlanta, Boston, Phila, San Diego
Baltimore, MD
BPGS Construction
Project Engineer (PDF Ad)

Wilmington, DE
Skarda and Associates
Baltimore, MD
Clear Story
Pittsburgh, PA
Engenium Group
Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD
Walter P Moore
Multiple locations
Walter P Moore
Multiple locations
Walter P Moore
Multiple locations
Sean O'Connor Lighting
Los Angeles, CA
MEYERS+ Engineers
San Francisco, CA and New York, NY
MEYERS+ Engineers
San Francisco, CA and New York, NY
MEYERS+ Engineers
San Francisco, CA and New York, NY
Structural Technologies
Columbia, MD
Cagley & Associates
Rockville, MD
mulá group
York, PA
Landmark Properties
State College, PA

Positions for Experienced Engineers

Keystone Structural Solutions
Pittsburgh, PA
AE Dynamics
Pittsburgh, PA and Bozeman, MT
AE Dynamics
Pittsburgh, PA and Bozeman, MT
McCullough Construction
Project Manager (PDF Ad)

Washington, D.C.
McCullough Construction
Superintendent (PDF Ad)

Washington, D.C.
H.F. Lenz
Johnstown, PA
H.F. Lenz
Hybrid/Remote in PA, MD, VA, WV, OH, NY, CT
York, PA
Weigand Associates, Inc.
Germantown, MD
Engenium Group
Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD
TD&H Engineering
Media, PA
TD&H Engineering
Media, PA
WEBBER/SMITH Associates, Inc.
Lancaster, PA
Landmark Properties
State College, PA
Madison, WI (Remote)
North Forest Office Space
Buffalo, NY


Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394