Centers, Initiatives, and Organizations
Center for High Performance Building Systems
The Center for High Performance Building Systems (CHiPBS) strives to be the technical leader and coordinating organization in a partnership among private firms, academia, and government agencies in establishing processes, tools, and component innovations necessary for standard practice realization of High Performance Buildings Systems (HPBS).
Computer Integrated Construction Research Program
The vision of the Computer Integrated Construction (CIC) Research Program is to improve the design and construction process through improvements in the integration of computer applications.
Consortium for the Advancement of Building Sciences
The Consortium for the Advancement of Building Sciences (CABS) was developed by the Penn State Department of Architectural Engineering, in cooperation with a number of leading firms in the building industry, to support the activities of the department in both the education of future professionals and research to advance the art of building design and construction.
Engineering Energy and Environmental Institute
The Engineering Energy and Environmental Institute (E3I) was formed to highlight environmental research and educational activities in the College of Engineering. Engineers at the E3I work on many different environmental topics including water purification, thermoacoustics using benign gases for cooling, analysis of indoor environments to provide safe living spaces, the development and application of remote sensing platforms for studying the environment, and others. The E3I also focuses on energy research and education as well, with notable research work in biofuels production, solar, and wind energy research.
Indoor Environment Center
The Indoor Environment Center (IEC) conducts interdisciplinary research, knowledge transfer and outreach activities to support the development of indoor environments that are safer; more thermally, visually, and acoustically comfortable; and minimize the use of energy and other resources.
Pennsylvania Housing Research Center
The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC) serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing. PHRC conducts applied research, fosters the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfers appropriate technologies to the housing community.
Project CANDLE
Project CANDLE is a partnership to Create an Alliance to Nurture Design in Lighting Education. It is a collaboration between Penn State and lighting industry partners that began with support from the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Education Trust. Project CANDLE was initiated to meet the growing demand for lighting professionals. Those involved share a common passion for light and lighting, and a desire to share this enthusiasm with college and high school students.