Alumni Updates

Cynthia (Cindy) A. Cogil, P.E., LEED AP BD+C (’98 M.S.) has been named a winner in Engineerd Systems Magazine’s “20 to Watch: Women in HVAC” Contest. Cindy is a principal at SmithGroup. Click here to read her profile on Engineered Systems Magazine’s website. (posted 1/4/2019)

Kimberlee McKitish, P.E., LEED Green Associate (’08 B.A.E./M.A.E.) has been named Young Engineer of the Year by the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers. The annual award recognizes an outstanding engineer no older than age 35, and considers collegiate achievements, professional and technical society activities, engineering experience, publications, project achievements, and additional activities including civic involvement and humanitarian endeavors.

John Smolinsky (’70 M.S.) has retired from his position as environmental manager of the environmental review office at the New York State Department of Public Service after a 33-year career. His career in government began as a visual impact analyst and proceeded to be part of the growing environmental movement by innovating analytic techniques and illustrating the importance of trying to integrate utility structures into the visual and natural environment. Early work at Penn State in computer mapping and gaming were an integral part of his initiatives. His government career did not end with retirement from the State as he has been involved in local planning efforts in his Town of Bethlehem, New York, for the last 35 years and is currently Chairman of the Town’s Planning Board.



Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394