Photo of Donghyun Rim

Donghyun Rim

Associate Professor


  • Architectural Engineering

N574 ECoRE Building


Research Areas:

Building Mechanical Systems

Interest Areas:

Built environment, indoor environmental quality, human health, building energy use, human exposure to air pollutants.





Journal Articles

  • Seongjun Park and Donghyun Rim, 2024, "Human exposure to air contaminants under the far-UVC system operation in an office: Effects of lamp position and ventilation condition", Scientific Reports, 14, pp. 24465
  • Hyeonjun Lee and Donghyun Rim, 2024, "Assessment of airborne transmitted infection risk in classrooms using computational fluid dynamics and machine learning-based surrogate modelling", Journal of Building Engineering, 97, pp. 110760
  • SungHyup Hong, Byeongmo Seo, HoSung Jeon, KwangHo Lee and Donghyun Rim, 2024, "Comparison of electricity savings in community units through ESS and PV generation using ANN-based prediction model under Korean climatic conditions", Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 38, (8), pp. 4431-4446
  • Kyungmo Kang, Haneul Choi, Donghyun Rim and Taeyeon Kim, 2024, "Effect of a range hood with make-up air-supply system for indoor PM2. 5 and ultrafine particles in residential buildings", Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 20, pp. 1-12
  • Gen Pei, Parham Azimi, Donghyun Rim and Joseph G Allen, 2024, "A CFD study on the effect of portable air cleaner placement on airborne infection control in a classroom", Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 26, pp. 1476-1488
  • Seongjun Park, Youngbo Won and Donghyun Rim, 2024, "Formation and transport of secondary contaminants associated with germicidal ultraviolet light systems in an occupied classroom", Environmental Science & Technology, 58, (27), pp. 12051-12061
  • YeSeul Eom and Donghyun Rim, 2024, "Quality control of Lagrangian indoor particle transport simulation: Effects of particle numbers, ventilation strategy, and sampling volume", Journal of Aerosol Science, 178, pp. 106346
  • Su-Gwang Jeong, Lance Wallace and Donghyun Rim, 2023, "Size-resolved emission rates of episodic indoor sources and ultrafine particle dynamics", Environmental Pollution, 338, pp. 122680
  • Seongjun Park, Richard G Mistrick, Sitzabee William and Donghyun Rim, 2023, "Effect of ventilation strategy on performance of upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation system in a learning environment", Science of the Total Environment, 899, pp. 165454
  • Gen Pei, James Freihaut and Donghyun Rim, 2023, "Long-term application of low-cost sensors for monitoring indoor air quality and particle dynamics in a commercial building", Journal of Building Engineering, 79, pp. 107774
  • Suwhan Yee, Jason Spitzack, Jacob Swanson, Heejung Jung and Donghyun Rim, 2023, "Effect of paper filter windows on indoor exposure to particles of outdoor origin", Environmental Pollution, 333, pp. 121996
  • Youngbo Won, Donghyun Rim, Richard G Mistrick and William P Bahnfleth, 2023, "CFD modeling of room airflow effects on inactivation of aerosol SARS-CoV-2 by an upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) system", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 29, (7), pp. 719-729
  • Gyueun Lee, Nadia Avelina, Donghyun Rim, Seokho Chi and Hyeunguk Ahn, 2023, "Systematic review of carbon-neutral building technologies (CNBTs) by climate groups and building types", Journal of Building Engineering, 78, pp. 107627
  • Seongjun Park, Shinhye Lee, Myoungsouk Yeo and Donghyun Rim, 2023, "Performance of a heat recovery ventilation system for controlling human exposure to airborne particles in a residential building", Building and Environment, 239, pp. 110412
  • YeSeul Eom, DongHwa Kang, Donghyun Rim and Myoungsouk Yeo, 2023, "Particle dispersion and removal associated with kitchen range hood and whole house ventilation system", Building and Environment, 230, pp. 109986
  • Seongjun Park, Shinhye Lee, Myoungsouk Yeo and Donghyun Rim, 2023, "Field and laboratory evaluation of PurpleAir low-cost aerosol sensors in monitoring indoor airborne particles", Building and Environment, 234, pp. 110127
  • Nora Zannoni, Pascale S. J. Lakey, Youngbo Won, Donghyun Rim, Manabu Shiraiwa and Jonathan Williams, 2022, "The human oxidation field", Science, 377, (6610), pp. 1071-1077
  • Seongjun Park, Richard Mistrick and Donghyun Rim, 2022, "Performance of upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) system in learning environments: Effects of ventilation rate, UV fluence rate, and UV radiating volume", Sustainable Cities and Society, 85, pp. 104048
  • Gen Pei, Yuan Xuan, Glenn Morrison and Donghyun Rim, 2022, "Understanding Ozone Transport and Deposition within Indoor Surface Boundary Layers", Environmental Science & Technology, 56, (12), pp. 7820-7829
  • Sameer Patel, DONGHYUN RIM, Sumit Sankhyan, Atila Novoselac and Marina Vance, 2021, "Aerosol dynamics modeling of sub-500 nm particles during the HOMEChem study", Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 23, (11), pp. 1706-1717
  • Gen Pei, Mary Taylor and DONGHYUN RIM, 2021, "Human exposure to respiratory aerosols in a ventilated room: Effects of ventilation condition, emission mode, and social distancing", Sustainable Cities and Society, 73, pp. 103090
  • Mary Taylor, Nathan Brown and DONGHYUN RIM, 2021, "Optimizing thermal comfort and energy use for learning environments", Energy and Buildings, 248, pp. 111181
  • Pascale Lakey, Youngbo Won, DONGHYUN RIM and Manabu Shiraiwa, 2021, "Spatial and temporal scales of variability for indoor air constituents", Communications Chemistry, 4, (1), pp. 1-7
  • Su-Gwang Jung, Donghyun Rim and Lance Wallace, 2021, "Contributions of coagulation, deposition, and ventilation to the removal of airborne nanoparticles in indoor environments", Environmental Science & Technology, 55, (14), pp. 9730-9739
  • Gen Pei and Donghyun Rim, 2021, "Quality control of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of ozone reaction with human surface: Effects of mesh size and turbulence model", Building and Environment, 189, pp. 107513
  • Youngbo Won and DONGHYUN RIM, 2020, "Spatial distributions of ozonolysis products from human surfaces In ventilated rooms", Indoor Air, 30, pp. 1229-1240
  • Victor Or and Donghyun Rim, 2020, "Glass surface evolution following gas adsorption and particle deposition from indoor cooking events as probed by microspectroscopic analysis", Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 22, (8), pp. 1698-1709
  • Youngbo Won, Michael Waring and Donghyun Rim, 2019, "Understanding the Spatial Heterogeneity of Indoor OH and HO2 due to Photolysis of HONO Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation", Environmental Science & Technology, 53, pp. 14470-14478
  • Ute Poerschke, Donghyun Rim, Gen Pei and Homeira Mirhosseini, 2019, "The “Air-Wall”: Re-Evaluating a Mid-Twentieth Century Four-Sided Double-Skin Façade", Technology | Architecture + Design, 3, (2), pp. 200-210
  • Hyeunguk Ahn, Donghyun Rim, Gregory Pavlak and James Freihaut, 2019, "Uncertainty analysis of energy and economic performances of hybrid solar photovoltaic and combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP+PV) systems using a Monte-Carlo method", Applied Energy, 255, pp. 113753, 1-13
  • Tianchen Ruan and Donghyun Rim, 2019, "Indoor air pollution in office buildings in mega-cities: Effects of filtration efficiency and outdoor air ventilation rates", Sustainable Cities and Society, 49, pp. 101609, 1-10.
  • Lakey Pascale, Glenn Morrison, Youngbo Won, Krista Parry, Michael von Domaros, Douglas Tobias, Donghyun Rim and Manabu Shiraiwa, 2019, "The impact of clothing on ozone and squalene ozonolysis products in indoor environments", Communications Chemistry, 2, (56), pp. 1-8
  • Manabu Shiraiwa, Nicolas Carslaw, Douglas Tobias, Michael Waring, Donghyun Rim, Glenn Morrison, Lakey Pascale, Magdalena Kruza, Michael von Domaros, Youngbo Won and Brian Cummings, 2019, "Modelling consortium for chemistry of indoor environments (MOCCIE): integrating chemical processes from molecular to room scales", Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 21, pp. 1240-1254
  • Hyeunguk Ahn, James Freihaut and Donghyun Rim, 2019, "Economic feasibility of combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) systems considering electricity standby tariffs", Energy, 169, pp. 420-432
  • Jeff Yanosky, Jared Fisher, Duanping Liao and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Application and validation of a line-source dispersion model to estimate small scale traffic-related particulate matter concentrations across the conterminous U.S.", Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 11, (6), pp. 741–754
  • Elliott Gall and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Mass accretion and ozone reactivity of idealized indoor surfaces in mechanically or naturally ventilated indoor environments", Building and Environment, 138, pp. 89–97
  • Hyeunguk Ahn and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Ventilation and energy performance of partitioned indoor spaces under mixing and displacement ventilation", Building Simulation, 11, (3), pp. 561–574
  • Donghyun Rim, Elliott T. Gall, Sagar Ananth and Youngbo Won, 2018, "Ozone reaction with human surface: influences of surface reaction probability and indoor air flow condition", Building and Environment, 130, pp. 40–48
  • Shaojie Yuan and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Cooling energy saving associated with exterior greenery systems for three U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) standard reference buildings", Building Simulation, 11, (4), pp. 625–631
  • Wenyu Shan and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Thermal and ventilation performance of combined passive chilled beam and displacement ventilation systems", Energy and Building, 158, pp. 466–475
  • Hyeunguk Ahn, Donghyun Rim and James Freihaut, 2018, "Performance assessment of hybrid chiller systems for combined cooling, heating and power production", Applied Energy, 205, pp. 501–512
  • Donghyun Rim, Elliott Gall, Jong Bum Kim and Gwi-Nam Bae, 2017, "Particulate matter in urban nursery schools: A case study of Seoul, Korea during winter months", Building and Environment, 119, pp. 1–10
  • Parichehr Salimifard, Donghyun Rim, Carlos Gomes, Paul Kremer and James Freihaut, 2017, "Resuspension of biological particles from indoor surfaces: Effects of humidity and air swirl", Science of the Total Environment, 583, pp. 241-247
  • Donghyun Rim, Lance A. Wallace and Jungil Choi, 2016, "Size-resolved source emission rates of indoor ultrafine particles considering coagulation", Environmental Science and Technology, 50, pp. 10031–10038
  • Donghyun Rim, Elliott T. Gall, Randy L. Maddalena and William W. Nazaroff, 2016, "Ozone reaction with interior building materials: Influence of diurnal ozone variation, temperature and humidity", Atmospheric Environment, 125, pp. 15–23
  • Stefano Schiavon, Donghyun Rim, Wilmer Pasut and William W. Nazaroff, 2016, "Sensation of draft at uncovered ankles for women exposed to displacement ventilation and underfloor air distribution systems", Building and Environment, 96, pp. 228–236
  • Donghyun Rim, Stefano Schiavon and William W. Nazaroff, 2015, "Energy and cost associated with ventilating office buildings in a tropical climate", PLOS ONE, 10, (3), pp. e0122310
  • Dustin G. Poppendieck, Donghyun Rim and Andrew K. Persily, 2014, "Ultrafine particle removal and ozone generation by In-duct electrostatic precipitators", Environmental Science & Technology, 48, (3), pp. 2067–2074
  • Donghyun Rim, Lance A. Wallace and Andrew K. Persily, 2013, "Indoor ultrafine particles of outdoor origin: importance of window opening area and fan operation condition", Environmental Science & Technology, 47, (4), pp. 1922–1929
  • Donghyun Rim, Andrew K. Persily, Steven Emmerich, W. Stuart Dols and Lance A. Wallace, 2013, "Multi-zone modeling of size-resolved outdoor ultrafine particle entry into a test house", Atmospheric Environment, 69, pp. 219–230
  • Donghyun Rim, Michal Green, Lance Wallace, Andrew Persily and Jung-Il Choi, 2012, "Evolution of ultrafine particle size distributions following indoor episodic releases: Relative importance of coagulation, deposition and ventilation", Aerosol Science and Technology, 46, (5), pp. 494–503
  • Donghyun Rim, Lance Wallace, Steven Nabinger and Andrew Persily, 2012, "Reduction of exposure to ultrafine particles by kitchen exhaust hoods: the effects of exhaust flow rates, particle size, and burner position", Science of the Total Environment, 432, pp. 350–356
  • Donghyun Rim, Lance Wallace and Andrew Persily, 2010, "Infiltration of outdoor ultrafine particles into a test house", Environmental Science & Technology, 44, (15), pp. 5908–5913
  • Donghyun Rim and Atila Novoselac, 2010, "Occupational exposure to hazardous airborne pollutants: Effects of air mixing and source location", Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7, (12), pp. 683–692
  • Donghyun Rim and Atila Novoselac, 2010, "Ventilation effectiveness as an indicator of occupant exposure to particles from indoor sources", Building and Environment, 45, (5), pp. 1214–1224
  • Donghyun Rim, A Novoselec and Glenn Morrison, 2009, "The influence of chemical interactions at the human surface on breathing zone levels of reactants and products", Indoor Air, 19, (4), pp. 324–334
  • Donghyun Rim and Atila Novoselac, 2009, "Transport of particulate and gaseous pollutants in the vicinity of a human body", Building and Environment, 44, (9), pp. 1840–1849
  • Donghyun Rim, Jeffrey Siegel, Jarett Spinhirne, Alba Webb and Elena McDonald-Buller, 2008, "Characteristics of cabin air quality in school buses in Central Texas", Atmospheric Environment, 42, (26), pp. 6453–6464
  • Donghyun Rim and Atila Novoselac, 2008, "Transient simulation of airflow and pollutant dispersion under mixing flow and buoyancy driven flow regimes in residential buildings", ASHRAE Transactions, 114, (2), pp. 130–42
  • Lance Wallace, Su-Gwang Jeong and Donghyun Rim, , "Dynamic behavior of indoor ultrafine particles (2.3-64 nm) due to burning candles in a residence", Indoor Air, 29, pp. 1018-1027
  • Gen Pei, Donghyun Rim, Stefano Schiavon and Matthew Vannucci, , "Effect of sensor position on the performance of CO2-based demand controlled ventilation", Energy and Buildings, 202, pp. 109358, 1-11
  • Parichehr Salimifard, Donghyun Rim and James Freihaut, , "Evaluation of low-cost optical particle counters for monitoring individual indoor aerosol sources", Aerosol Science and Technology, 54, (2), pp. 217-231

Conference Proceedings

  • Su-Gwang Jeong, Lance Wallace and Donghyun Rim, 2024, "Evaluation of indoor ultrafine particle dynamic behavior considering heating status of hotplate during decay period", Indoor Air 2024
  • Gen Pei, Parham Azimi, Donghyun Rim and Joseph G Allen, 2024, "Effect of portable air cleaner placement on airborne infection control in learning environments", Indoor Air 2024
  • Hyusan Jang, Hyunsoo Kim, Donghyun Rim and Seongjun Park, 2022, "A practical comparison of capture efficiencies of cooker/range hood under real conditions and by applying the ASTM standard-An experimental assessment", ASHRAE Topical Conference Proceedings, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., pp. 1-8
  • Mary Taylor and Donghyun Rim, 2021, "Review of the Effects of Indoor Air Quality on Occupants", ASHRAE Transactions, 127, pp. 1-7
  • Pascale Lakey, Donghyun Rim and Manabu Shiraiwa, 2020, "Modeling reactions of ozone with human skin and clothing to quantify formation of semivolatile organic compounds", AGU Fall Meeting 2020
  • Youngbo Won and Donghyun Rim, 2020, "Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling of Indoor Ozone and OH Chemistry", Indoor Air 2020
  • Su-Gwang Jung and Donghyun Rim, 2020, "Modeling the indoor ultrafine particle dynamics for seven epidemic emission sources considering coagulation effect", Indoor Air 2020
  • Gen Pei and Donghyun Rim, 2020, "Low-cost IAQ sensor applications for building system performance evaluation", Indoor Air 2020
  • Gen Pei and Donghyun Rim, 2020, "Experimentally Validated CFD Analysis on the Optimal Sensor Location for the CO2-based Demand-controlled Ventilation.", ASHRAE 2020 Winter Conference, Orlando, FL
  • Hyeunguk Ahn, James Freihaut and Donghyun Rim, 2019, "Economic feasibility of combined cooling, heating, and power systems", ASHRAE 2019 Winter Conference, Atlanta, GA
  • Youngbo Won and Donghyun Rim, 2019, "Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling indoor chemical reactions under varied lighting and HVAC operation conditions", ASHRAE 2019 Winter Conference, Atlanta, GA
  • Parichehr Salimifard, Donghyun Rim and James Freihaut, 2018, "Low-cost particle sensors: performance evaluation for indoor bioaerosols", 15th International Conference Indoor Air 2018, Philadelphia, PA
  • Donghyun Rim and Youngbo Won, 2018, "Lung-deposited particle surface area (LDSA) and black carbon (BC) in high-rise apartments in Seoul, Korea", 15th International Conference Indoor Air 2018, Philadelphia, PA
  • Elliott Gall and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Impact of indoor surface mass accretion on heterogeneous ozone chemistry", 15th International Conference Indoor Air 2018, Philadelphia, PA
  • Youngbo Won and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of primary and secondary ozone reactions associated with human surfaces", 15th International Conference Indoor Air 2018, Philadelphia, PA
  • Lance Wallace, Donghyun Rim and Su-Gwang Jeong, 2018, "Ultrafine particle emissions and decay rates due to burning candles in a residence", 15th International Conference Indoor Air 2018, Philadelphia, PA
  • Gen Pei and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "CFD analysis of dispersion of particles and gases in buildings for optimal IAQ sensor positioning", ASHRAE 2018 Winter Conference, Chicago, IL
  • Hyeunguk Ahn, Donghyun Rim and James Freihaut, 2018, "Economic feasibility of hybrid solar-combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems for a large office in California", ASHRAE 2018 Winter Conference, Chicago, IL
  • Hyeunguk Ahn and Donghyun Rim, 2017, "Effects of ventilation strategies and diffuser arrangements on indoor environmental quality and energy consumption in partitioned spaces", ASHRAE 2017 Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA
  • Wenyu Shan and Donghyun Rim, 2017, "Numerical evaluation of thermal and ventilation performance of combined passive chilled beam–displacement ventilation systems", ASHRAE 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Shaojie Yuan and Donghyun Rim, 2017, "The effect of the green wall and green roof on the U.S. DOE reference buildings energy usage in various locations in US.", ASHRAE 2017 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Jong-Bum Kim, Donghyun Rim and Gwi-Nam Bae, 2016, "Indoor and outdoor air pollution of urban daycare centers in Metropolitan Seoul area", IAQVEC 2016 Conference, Seoul, Korea
  • Donghyun Rim, Jong-Bum Kim and Gwi-Nam Bae, 2016, "Particulate matter (PM) in urban nursery schools in a mega-city, Seoul, Korea", 14th International Conference Indoor Air 2016, Ghent, Belgium
  • Shiyu Rao and Donghyun Rim, 2016, "Evaluating economizer use in particulate air pollution in office buildings in multi-million cities", ASHRAE 2016 Winter Conference, Orlando, FL
  • Parichehr Salimifard, Donghyun Rim and James Freihaut, 2015, "Resuspension of bacterial spore particles from duct surfaces", Healthy Buildings 2015, Boulder, CO.
  • Donghyun Rim and William W Nazaroff, 2014, "Ozone reaction with building materials: Effects of diurnal variation and environmental conditions", 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong
  • Donghyun Rim and William W Nazaroff, 2014, "Energy and cost associated with ventilating office buildings in a tropical climate", 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong
  • Stefano Schiavon, Donghyun Rim, Wilmer Pasut and William W Nazaroff, 2014, "Sensation of draft at ankles for displacement ventilation and underfloor air distribution systems", 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong
  • Kevin Weekly, Donghyun Rim, Lin Zhang, Alexandre M Bayen, William W Nazaroff and Costas J Spanos, 2013, "Low-cost coarse airborne particulate matter sensing for indoor occupancy detection"
  • Donghyun Rim, AK Persily, LA Wallace and WS Dols, 2012, "Using multi-zone modeling of particle transport to support building design"


  • Lance Wallace, Wayne Ott and Donghyun Rim, 2022, "Long-term Indoor-outdoor PM2.5 Measurements at Three California Sites", American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 40th Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC
  • Shinhye Lee, Seongjun Park and Donghyun Rim, 2022, "Performance of Low-cost PurpleAir Sensor in Monitoring Indoor Aerosols", American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 40th Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC
  • Donghyun Rim and Su-Gwang Jeong, 2019, "Modelling indoor ultrafine particle dynamics", International Aerosol Modeling Algorithms Conference, Davis, CA
  • Hyeunguk Ahn, Donghyun Rim and James Freihaut, 2019, "Economic feasibility of combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) systems for commercial buildings", AEI Conference 2019, Tysons, VA
  • Youngbo Won and Donghyun Rim, 2019, "Ozone reaction with human surfaces due to ozone-emitting air cleaners", ASHRAE 2019 Winter Conference, Atlanta, GA
  • Parichehr Salimifard and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Evaluating performance of low-cost optical particle counters in sensing bioaerosols; an experimental chamber study", 10th International Aerosol Conference, St. Louis, MO
  • Parichehr Salimifard and Donghyun Rim, 2017, "An experimental comparison of aerodynamic and optical particle sensing for indoor aerosols", American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 36th Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC
  • Donghyun Rim, Gwi Nam Bae, Jong Bum Kim and Chang Hyeok Kim, 2017, "Lung deposited surface area and black carbon in urban high rise apartments", American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 36th Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC
  • Donghyun Rim and Youngbo Won, 2017, "Ozone interactions with human skin and clothing in indoor environments", Energy and Environment Summit 2017, Washington D.C
  • Parichehr Salimifard and Donghyun Rim, 2016, "Effect of relative humidity on resuspension of indoor allergen particles", American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 35th Annual Conference, Portland, PA
  • Donghyun Rim, Lance A Wallace and Jungil Choi, 2015, "Source emission rates of indoor ultrafine particles considering coagulation, deposition, and ventilation", American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 34th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Rao Shiyu and Donghyun Rim, 2015, "Urban air pollution and indoor air quality in mega-cities", 2015 AEESP Conference, Yale University, CT
  • Donghyun Rim, Lance Wallace and Andrew Persily, 2011, "Impact of window opening on infiltration, penetration, and deposition of outdoor ultrafine particles in a manufactured residential test house", 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Austin, TX
  • Donghyun Rim, Jung-il Choi, Lance Wallace, Andrew Persily and others, 2011, "Reduction of dispersion of ultrafine particles from cooking stoves by kitchen exhaust fans of varying flow rates", 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Austin, TX
  • Lance Wallace, Donghyun Rim and Andrew Persily, 2010, "Formation of ultrafine particles (dp= 2-64 nm) from gas-phase reaction of D-Limonene with ozone", 2010 Joint Conference of International Society of Exposure Science & International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, San Diego, CA
  • Donghyun Rim, Chi Hoang, Jung-il Choi and Lance Wallace, 2010, "Modeling coagulation, evaporation, and condensation growth of indoor ultrafine particles", 2010 Joint Conference of International Society of Exposure Science & International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, San Diego, CA

Research Projects

  • September 2020 - August 2025, "CAREER: An integrated research and education framework for healthy buildings: development and validation of a comprehensive indoor aerosol dynamic model," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • September 2023 - August 2025, "Aerodynamic behavior of aerosols and droplets: implications for school staffs," (Sponsor: Center for Disease Control and Prevention).
  • September 2023 - September 2025, "Aerodynamic behavior of aerosols and droplets: implications for school staff CFD contract," (Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
  • September 2023 - August 2025, "Prediction Models for Airborne Infection Risk and Public Health Measures in Learning Environments Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)," (Sponsor: The Penn State Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence (CSRAI)).
  • May 2024 - October 2025, "Assessing disinfection and chemical control with combined germicidal ultraviolet lamps and ozone filtration," (Sponsor: Blueprint Biosecurity).
  • December 2020 - November 2024, "MOdelling Consortium for Chemistry of Indoor Environments (MOCCIE) 3," (Sponsor: University of California at Irvine).
  • December 2019 - November 2024, "Proposal for The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Sponsored Programs at Indoor Air 2020," (Sponsor: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation [MP]).
  • July 2019 - December 2022, "MOdeling Consortium for Chemistry of Indoor Environments (MOCCIE) 2," (Sponsor: University of California at Irvine).
  • July 2020 - June 2021, "Ultraviolet-Germicidal Irradiation for Control of COVID-19 in University Classrooms," (Sponsor: Penn State Office of Physical Plant).
  • May 2020 - April 2021, "Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of pollutant dynamics near human and indoor surfaces," (Sponsor: Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences).

Honors and Awards

  • NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2020
  • Best Paper Award, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Journal, 2019
  • Endowed James L. Henderson Jr. Memorial Professorship, Penn State University, 2015
  • AEESP National Science of Foundation Workshop Travel Award, AEESP (Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors), 2015
  • Best Application Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2013
  • Distinguished Research Associate Award, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2011
  • Best Graduate Student Paper Award, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), 2008


Service to Penn State:

  • Participation in Recruitment and Retention Activities, Committee Member, Architectural Engineering Department Head Search Committee, October 2016 - December 2016
  • Committee Work, Member, Development Task Force, January 2015 - August 2017
  • Committee Work, Member, Global Engineering Education Faculty Planning Committee, 2015 - 2020

Service to External Organizations:

  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Chairperson, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Technical Committee 21- Ventilation, Ventilation- STC 21, July 2018
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Chairperson, American Association for Aerosol Research, Indoor Aerosols & Aerosol Exposure Working Group, August 2017 - October 2019
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Other, Voting Member, , Technical Committee 4.10 (Indoor Environmental Modeling), ASHRAE, Technical Committee 4.10 - Indoor Environmental Modeling, January 2015



Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394