Photo of James Freihaut

James Freihaut

Interim Department Head of Architectural Engineering


  • Architectural Engineering

408G ECoRE Building


Research Areas:

Building Mechanical Systems

Interest Areas:

Indoor Air Quality and Building Science, combined heat and power systems, distributed energy systems, enclosed space air quality issues, system constraints on air treatment/filtration solutions.





Journal Articles

  • Hyeunguk Ahn, James Freihaut and Donghyun Rim, 2019, "Economic Feasibility of combined coolling, heating and power (CCHP) systems considering electricity standby tariffs"
  • Parham Delgoshaei, James Freih andut, , 2019, "Development of a Control Platform for a Building-Scale Hybrid Solar PV-Natural Gas Microgrid", Energies
  • Hanyan Shen, Xu Ke and James Freihaut, 2018, "A statistical study on energy performance of U.S. convenience stores: Investigation of factors and benchmarking on store energy use"
  • Ahn Hyeunguk, James Freihaut and Donghyun Rim, 2018, "Performance assessment of hybrid chiller systems for combined cooling, heating and power production"
  • Bo Line, Dan Wang, Zhao Chen and James Freihaut, 2018, "Inverse energy model development via high-dimensional data analysis and sub-metering priority in building data monitoring"
  • Paricheher Salimifard, Donghyun Rim, Carlos Gomes, Paul Kremer and James Freihaut, 2017, "Resuspension of biological particles from indoor surfaces: Effects of humidity and air swirl"
  • James Freihaut, 2013, "Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance"
  • James Freihaut, 2013, "Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance"
  • S. Martin, E. Shogren, D. Blum, P. Kremer, W. Bahnfleth and James Freihaut, 2012, "Issues Surrounding Air-Phase Ultraviolet Inactivation Rate Constants (k-values) and the Development of a Dual-Collimation Batch Reactor for Determining k-values for Airborne Microorganisms", Indoor Air Journal
  • S. Martin, E. Shogren, D. Blum, P. Kremer, W. Bahnfleth and James Freihaut, 2012, "A Novel Dual-Collimation Batch Reactor for Determination of Ultraviolet Inactivation Rate Constants for Microorganisms in Aqueous Suspensions", Indoor Air Journal
  • J. Firrantello, P. Aumpansub, W. P. Bahnfleth, B. Hu, James Freihaut, B. Thran and S. Hutchens, 2007, "Effects of HVAC System and Building Characteristics on Exposure of Occupants to Short-Duration Point Source Aerosol Releases", Journal of Architectural Engineering, (2), pp. 84-94
  • James Freihaut, M. Chapman, A. Salapatek and P. Patel, 2007, "Aerodynamic Properties of Milled Allergen Products: Preparation of "Standard, Air-suspendable Dog, Cat, Cockroach and Mite Allergen Powders", Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 62, pp. pg. 38
  • J. Firrantello, W. P. Bahnfleth, A. Musser, James Freihaut and J.-W. Jeong, 2007, "Use of Factorial Sensitivity Analysis in Multizone Airflow Model Tuning", ASHRAE Transactions, 113, pp. 642-651
  • A. Salapatek, P. Patel, N. Mec, L. Nimraj, A. Ramoutar, M. D. Chapman and James Freihaut, 2007, "Development of Asthma Study Technologies in an Environmental Chamber (ASTEC)", The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 119, (1), pp. S3
  • C. Gomes, James Freihaut and W. P. Bahnfleth, 2007, "Resuspension of Allergen-Carrying Particles Under Mechanical and Aero-dynamic Disturbances from Human-Walking", Atmospheric Environment, 41, pp. 5257-5270
  • Hyenuguk Ahn, Donghyun Rim, Gregory Pavlak and James Freihaut, , "Uncertainty analysis of energy and economic performances of hybrid solar photovoltaic and combined cooling, heating and power systems using a Mone-Carlo method", Applied Energy
  • Salilmifard Parichehr, Donghyun Rim and James Freihaut, , "Evaluation of low-cost optical particle counters for monitoring individual indoor aerosol sources", Aerosol Science & Technology

Conference Proceedings

  • K. Xu, P. Delgoshaei, S. Wagner and James Freihaut, 2013, ""As-Operated" Whole Building Energy Models for Existing Commercial Medium Office Buildings-A Case Study", 2013 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Conference
  • P. Delgoshaei, K. Xu, S. Wagner and James Freihaut, 2013, "Plug Load Measurement for a Medium Office Building- A Case Study", 2013 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Conference
  • K. Xu and James Freihaut, 2012, "Building and System Level Sensitivity Analysis to U.S. DOE Commercial Reference Office Building in Different Climate Zones", The 1st Asia conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association
  • A. M. Salapatek, S. McCue, L. Minray, B. Walsh, H. Nandkeshore, M. Chapman, J. Corren, James Freihaut and P. Pater, 2007, "Validation of a Natural Cat Allergen Challenge Room (CACR)", Proceedings of the World Allergy Conference, pp. 3
  • J. Lau, W. P. Bahnfleth and James Freihaut, 2007, "Estimating the Effects of Ambient Conditions and Aging on the Performance of UVGI Air Cleaners", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, (IAQVEC 2007), pp. 15
  • J. Lau, W. P. Bahnfleth and James Freihaut, 2007, "Predicted Performance of In-Duct UVGI Systems Under Variable Operating Conditions", Proceedings of ASHRAE Indoor Air Quality, IAQ 2007 Healthy and Sustainable Buildings, pp. 16
  • James Freihaut, M. Chapman, A. Salapatek and P. Patel, 2007, "Aerodynamic Properties of Milled Allergen Products: Preparation of "Standard," Air-suspendable Dog, Cat, Cockroach and Mite Allergen Powders", Proceedings of XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, pp. 3
  • C. Gomes, W. P. Bahnfleth, B. Thran and James Freihaut, 2007, "Production of Characterized, Air Suspendable Dusts Containing Common Indoor Allergens for Inhalation Exposure Research", Proceedings of the 9th REHVA World Congress Clima, pp. 12
  • James Freihaut, A. M. Salapatek and P. Pytel, 2007, "Standardization of Dust Mite Allergen Inhalant for Use in an Environmental Exposure Chamber (EEC)", Proceedings of the American Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 63rd Annual Congress, pp. pg. 3
  • J. Firrantello, W. P. Bahnfleth, A. Musser, James Freihaut and J.-W. Jeong, 2005, "Application of Sensitivity Analysis to Multizone Airflow Model Tuning", Proceedings of Clima 2005 (8th REHVA World Congress), pp. 7
  • W. Bahnfleth, W. Kowalski and James Freihaut, 2005, "Standards and Guidelines for UVGI Air Treatment Systems", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005 (10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate), pp. 5
  • C. Gomes, James Freihaut and W. Bahnfleth, 2005, "Resuspension of Allergen-Containing Particles under Mechanical and Aerodynamic Disturbances from Human Walking - Introduction to an Experimental Controlled Disturbance Methodology", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005 - The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, pp. 7
  • B. Hu, James Freihaut, C. Gomes and B. Thran, 2005, "Literature Review: Indoor Particle Re-suspension by Human Activity", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005 - The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, pp. 7


  • B. Hu, James Freihaut, W. P. Bahnfleth and B. Thran, , "Simulating Transient Particle Deposition/Re-suspension in Indoor Environments with Multi-zone Airflow and Contaminant Transport Software"
  • H. C. Foley, James Freihaut, P. Hallacher and C. Knapp, , "The Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster (GPIC) for Energy-Efficient Buildings: A New Model for Public-Private Partnerships", Research Technology Management, pp. 15
  • B. Hu, James Freihaut, W. P. Bahnfleth, P. Aumpansub and B. Thran, , "Modeling Particle Dispersion under Human Activity in a Mulitzone Indoor Environment", Journal of Architectural Engineering
  • J.-W. Jeong, J. Firrantello, James Freihaut, W. Bahnfleth and A. Musser, , "Feasibility of Wireless Measurements for Semi-Empirical Multizone Airflow Model Tuning", Energy and Buildings
  • J. Firrantello, W. P. Bahnfleth, J.-W. Jeong, A. Musser and James Freihaut, , "Field Testing of Data Driven Multizone Model Calibration Procedure", Building Services Engineering Research and Technology

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394