Photo of Thomas Boothby

Thomas Boothby



  • Architectural Engineering
  • Larson Transportation Institute

N573 ECoRE Building


Research Areas:

Building Structural Systems






  • Thomas E Boothby, 2023, Empirical Design in Structural Engineering, Emerald Press (ICE Publishing), London, UK, pp. 109
  • Thomas E Boothby, 2018, Empirical Structural Design for Architects, Engineers, and Builders, ICE Publishing, London, United Kingdom, pp. 192
  • Thomas E Boothby, 2015, Engineering Iron and Stone, ASCE Press, Alexandria VA, USA, pp. 257

Journal Articles

  • Jaeha Lee, Artun Kivanc , Charles E Bakis, Maria Lopez and Thomas E Boothby, 2023, "Changes in fracture energy at FRP-concrete interfaces following indoor and outdoor exposure with sustained loading", Construction and Building Materials, 392
  • Grigor Angjeliu, Dario Coronelli, Giuliana Cardani and Thomas E Boothby, 2023, "Modelling and safety assessment of observed sliding damage in a masonry rib vault", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 59, pp. 264-273
  • Jinhoo Kim, Charles E Bakis, Jaeha Lii and Thomas E Boothby, 2021, "Durability Assessment of FRP-Concrete Bond After Sustained Loading of up to 13 Years", Composites Part B: Engineering, 224
  • Javier Suarez Medina, Thomas E Boothby and Jose Gonzalez, 2021, "Graphical methodology for structural analysis of historical constructions by combined use of funicular and projective geometry", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148, (1), pp. 28
  • Thomas E Boothby, 2021, "Practice Point: Analysis of Masonry Arches", APT Bulletin, 52, (2-3), pp. 9
  • Thomas E Boothby, 2021, "A US Perspective on Masonry Bridge Assessment and Conservation", Materiali e Strutture, IX, (18), pp. 15
  • Donatella Fiorani and Thomas E Boothby, 2021, "Openings in masonry walls in Early Christian and medieval Roman churches: technical, architectural, and construction issues", Construction History, 36, (1), pp. 24
  • Esra Yazgan and Thomas E Boothby, 2020, "Describing the historical and technical context of mill buildings in late 19th century: A case study of Whiting Foundry Equipment Company Complex in Harvey, Ill", Construction History, 35, (2), pp. 25[42
  • Javier Suarez Medina, Thomas E Boothby and Jose Gonzalez, 2020, "Construction and structural analysis of a Baroque dome in Spain: the encamonada dome", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 44, pp. 229-238
  • Grigor Angjeliu, Dario Coronelli, Giuliana Cardani and Thomas E Boothby, 2020, "Structural assessment of iron tie rods based on numerical modeling and experimental observations in Milan Cathedral", Engineering Structures, 206, pp. 19
  • Thomas E Boothby, 2018, "Notes on the Design, Construction, and Sales Practices of the Berlin Iron Bridge Company", APT Bulletin, 49, (1), pp. 5-12
  • Thomas E Boothby and Sharyn Clough, 2017, "Empiricist and Rationalist Methods of Concrete Design", APT Bulletin, XLVII, (1), pp. 5-13
  • Stevan A Walton and Thomas E Boothby, 2014, "'What is Straight Cannot Fall' Gothic Architecture, Scholasticism, and Dynamics", History of Science, 52, (4), pp. 347-376
  • Nicole Trujillo, Thomas E Boothby and Erik Valentino, 2013, "Non-destructive evaluation of brick masonry using air-coupled impact-echo analysis", APT Bulletin, 44, (2-3), pp. 35-42
  • Thomas E Boothby, M. Kevin Parfitt and Mark Ketchum, 2012, "Milo S. Ketchum and Thin Shell Concrete Structures in Colorado", APT Bulletin, 43, (1), pp. 39-46
  • Thomas E Boothby, 2011, "Analysis and Management of Lenticular-Truss Bridges", APT Bulletin, 42, (1), pp. 19-27
  • S. Atamturktur and Thomas E Boothby, 2010, "Stochastic Bayesian calibration of finite element models of masonry vaults", The Masonry Society Journal, 28, (2), pp. 77-93
  • S. Atamturktur, P. Fanning and Thomas E Boothby, 2010, "Traditional and Operational modal Analysis of Masonry Vaults", Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 163, (3), pp. 213-223
  • S. Atamturktur and Thomas E Boothby, 2007, "The development of finite element models and the horizontal thrust of Guastavino domes", APT Bulletin, 38, (4), pp. 21-28
  • C. E. Bakis, Thomas E Boothby and J. Jia, 2007, "Bond Durability of GFRP Bars Embedded in Concrete Beams", Journal of Composites for Construction, 11, (3), pp. 269-278
  • E. Erdogmus, Thomas E Boothby and E. B. Smith, 2007, "Structural Appraisal of the Florentine Gothic Construction System", Journal of Architectural Engineering, 13, (1), pp. 9-17
  • Thomas E Boothby, Y. Yurianto and E. Erdogmus, 2005, "Experimental Replication of Masonry Arch Spandrel Wall Collapse", The Masonry Society Journal, 23, (1), pp. 37-46
  • P. J. Fanning, L. Szobak, Thomas E Boothby and V. Salamoni, 2005, "Load testing and model simulations for a stone arch bridge", Bridge Structures, 1, (4), pp. 367-378
  • Thomas E Boothby, M. K. Parfitt and C. K. Roise, 2005, "Case Studies in Diagnosis and Repair of Historic Thin-shell Concrete Structures", Association for Preservation Technology Bulletin, 36, (2-3), pp. 3-12
  • J. Jia, Thomas E Boothby, C. B. Bakis and T. L. Brown, 2005, "Durability Evaluation of GFRP-Concrete Bonded Interfaces", Journal of Composites for Construction, 9, (4), pp. 348-359
  • Thomas E Boothby, 2005, "Designing American Lenticular Truss Bridges 1878-1900", Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology, 30, (1)
  • E. Erdogmus and Thomas E Boothby, 2004, "Strength of Spandrel Walls in Masonry Arch Bridges", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 1892, pp. 47-55
  • Thomas E Boothby and R. M. Marra, 2003, "The Bowers Program: Effects of Cross-Disciplinary Design Activities on Architectural Engineering Student Performance", ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering
  • Paul J. Fanning and Thomas E Boothby, 2003, "Experiment-based Assessment of Masonry Arch Bridges", Bridge Engineering, 156, (3), pp. 109-116

Conference Proceedings

  • Thomas E Boothby, Annalisa Crannell and Nathan Brown, 2021, "Saving Appearances: Treatment of Anomalies in the Projective Geometry-Graphic Statics Analogy", pp. 12
  • Yamile Rodriguez, Giuliana Cardani, Dario Coronelli and Thomas E Boothby, 2018, "Proportions in Early Christian and Early Medieval Church Structures", Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Lombardia, Italy, pp. 12
  • Yamile Rodriguez, Thomas E Boothby and Donatella Fiorani, 2018, "Proportional Design of Lombard Buttresses", Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Lombardia, Italy, pp. 12
  • Thomas E Boothby, A. Taliercio, P. Condoleo, A. Anzani and L. Binda, 2008, "Developing masonry vault models for global assessment", Proc. Int. RILEM Conf. "On Site Assessment of Concrete, Masonry and Timber Structures" (SACoMaTiS 08), 1, pp. 551-560
  • Thomas E Boothby and S. Atamturktur, 2007, "A Guide For Finite Element Analyses Of Historic Load-Bearing Masonry Structures", 10th North American Masonry Conference, The Masonry Society
  • S. Atamturktur, Thomas E Boothby and P. J. Fanning, 2007, "Traditional And Operational Modal Testing Of The Washington National Cathedral", Proceedings of IOMAC 2007, pp. 8
  • Thomas E Boothby, S. Atamturktur, J. Ochsendorf, A. Tallon and S. Murray, 2007, "Structural Modeling Of The Vaults Of St. Julien In Couleuvre, France", Proceedings of IOMAC 2007, pp. 8
  • E. Erdogmus, Thomas E Boothby and E. B. Smith, 2003, "Documentation of a Medieval Structure: Santa Maria Novella", 9th North American Masonry Conference
  • E. Erdogmus and Thomas E Boothby, 2003, "Analysis of Masonry Arch Bridge Spandrel Walls: Loading and Strength", 9th North American Masonry Conference

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Fulbright Research Scholar, Fulbright-France 'Hauts-de-France' Program, December 2022 - July 2023
  • George Winter Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, April 2019
  • History and Heritage Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, October 2018


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394