Photo of William Bahnfleth

William Bahnfleth



  • Architectural Engineering

N581 ECoRE Building


Google Scholar Profile

Research Areas:

Building Mechanical Systems

Interest Areas:

HVAC, chilled water systems, thermal storage, indoor air quality.






  • David Dorman, Jonathan Abbatt, William P Bahnfleth, Ellison Carter, Delphine Farmer, Gillian Gawne-Mittelstaedt, Allen Goldstein, Vicki Grassian, Rima Habre, Glenn Morrison, Jordan Peccia, Dustin Poppendieck, Kimberly Prather, Manubu Shiraiwa, Heather Stapleton and Meredith Williams, 2022, Why Indoor Chemistry Matters, pp. 270
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2021, An Assessment of Selected Programs at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Engineering Laboratory: Fiscal Year 2020, pp. 92
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2007, Protecting building occupants and operations from biological and chemical airborne threats, National Academies Press, Washington, DC, pp. 137

Journal Articles

  • Z. Peng, A. L. Pineda Rojas, E. Kropf, William P Bahnfleth, G. Buonanno, S. Dancer, J. Kurnitski, Y Li, M. Loomans, L. Marr, W. Nazaroff, C. Noakes, X. Querol, C. Sekhar, R. Tellier, T. Greenhalgh, L. Bourouiba, A. Boerstra, J. Tang, S. Miller and J. Jiminez, 2022, "Practical Indicators for Risk of Airborne Transmission in Shared Indoor Environments and Their Application to COVID-19 Outbreaks", Environmental Science and Technology, 56, (2), pp. 12
  • Gary Allen, Kevin Benner and William P Bahnfleth, 2022, "Inactivation of Pathogens in Air Using Ultraviolet Direct Irradiation Below Exposure Limits", Journal of Research of NIST, 126, pp. 24
  • Shadi Abdel-Haleem, Gregory Pavlak and William P Bahnfleth, 2022, "Model-based Testbed for Uncertainty Quantification in Building Control Systems with Advanced Sequences of Operation", Journal of Architectural Engineering, 28, (2), pp. 18
  • Jacob Bueno de Mequita, William Delp, Wanyu Chan, William P Bahnfleth and Brett Singer, 2022, "Control of airborne infectious disease in buildings: evidence and research priorities", Indoor Air, 32, (1), pp. 32
  • T. Greenhalgh, Zhe Peng, Jose Jimenez, William P Bahnfleth, S Dancer and L Bourouiba, 2022, "Quantifying transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 in different situations", BMJ, 376, pp. 1
  • Jose Jimenez, Linsey Marr, Katherine Randall, Edward Ewing, Zeynep Tufekci, Trish Greenhalgh, Raymond Tellier, Julian Tang, Yuguo Li, Lidia Morawska, Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston, David Fisman, Orla Hegarty, Stephanie Dancer, Philomena Bluyssen, Giorgio Buonanno, Marcel Loomans, William P Bahnfleth, Maosheng Yao, Chandra Sekhar, Pawel Wargocki, Arsen Melikov and Kimberly Prather, 2022, "What Were the Historical Reasons for the Resistance to Recognizing Airborne Transmission during the COVID-19 Pandemic?", Indoor Air, 32, (8), pp. 18
  • Sasan Sadrizadeh, Runming Yao, Feng Yuan, Hazim Awbi, William P Bahnfleth, Yang Bi, Guangyu Cao, Cristiano Croitoru, Richard de Dear, Fariborz Haghighat, Prashant Kumar, Mojtaba Malayeri, Fuzhan Nasiri, Mathilde Ruud, Parastoo Sadeghian, Pawel Wargocki, Jing Xiong, Wei Yu and Baizhan Li, 2022, "Indoor Air Quality and Health in Schools: A critical review for developing the roadmap for the future school environment", Journal of Building Engineering, 57, pp. 23
  • Rima Habre, David Dorman, Jonathan Abbatt, William P Bahnfleth, Ellison Carter, Delphine Farmer, Gillian Gawne-Mittelstaedt, Allen Goldstein, Vicki Grassian, Glenn Morrison, Jordan Peccia, Dustin Poppendieck, Kimberly Prather, Manubu Shiraiwa, Heather Stapleton, Meredith Williams and Megan Harries, 2022, "Why Indoor Chemistry Matters: A National Academies Consensus Report. Environmental Science & Technology", Environmental Science & Technology, 56, (15), pp. 4
  • William P Bahnfleth and J. DeGraw, 2021, "ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Core Recommendations: Reducing Airborne Infectious Aerosol Exposure", ASHRAE Journal, 63, (5), pp. 3
  • Julian Tang, William P Bahnfleth, Philomena Bluyssen, Giorgio Buonanno, Jose Jiminez, Jarek Kurnitski, Yuguo Li, Shelly Miller, Chandra Sekhar, Lidia Morawska, Linsey Marr, Arsen Melikov, William Nazaroff, Peter Nielsen, Raymond Tellier, Pawel Wargocki and Stephanie Dancer, 2021, "Dismantling myths on the airborne transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)", Journal of Hospital Infection, pp. 8
  • Shadi Abdel Haleem, Gregory Pavlak and William P Bahnfleth, 2021, "Impact of Control Loop Performance on Energy Use, Air Quality, and Thermal Comfort in Building Systems with Advanced Sequences of Operation", Automation in Construction, 130, pp. 33
  • J. Bueno de Mesquita, W. Delp, W. Chan, William P Bahnfleth and B. Singer, 2021, "Control of airborne infectious disease in buildings: evidence and research priorities", Indoor Air, pp. 32
  • Y. Li, W. Nazaroff, William P Bahnfleth, P. Wargocki and Y. Zhang, 2021, "The COVID-19 pandemic is a global indoor air crisis that should lead to change: A message commemorating 30 years of Indoor Air", 31, (6), pp. 4
  • L. Morawska, J. Allen, William P Bahnfleth, P. Bluyssen, Boerstra, G. Buonanno, J. Cao, S. Dancer, A. Floto, F. Franchimon, T. Greenhalgh, C. Haworth, J. Hogeling, C. Isaxon, J. Jiminez, J. Kurnitski, Y. Li, M. Loomans, G. Marks, L. Marr, L. Mazzerella, A. Melikov, S. Miller, D. Milton, W. Nazaroff, P. Nielsen, C. Noakes, J. Peccia, K. Prather, X. Querol, Sekhar, O Seppanen, S Tanabe, J. Tang, R. Tellier, K-W Tham, P. Wargocki, A. Wierzbicka and M. Yao, 2021, "A paradigm shift to combat indoor respiratory infection", 372, (6543), pp. 3
  • J. Morrow, A. Packman, K. Martinez, K. Van Den Wymelenberg, D. Goeres, D. Farmer, J. Mitchell, L. Ng, Y. Hazi, M. Spoch-Spana, S Quinn, William P Bahnfleth and P. Olsiewski, 2021, "Critical Capability Needs for Reduction of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Indoors", Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, pp. 10
  • Shadi M. Abdel Haleem, Gregory Pavlak and William P Bahnfleth, 2020, "Performance of advanced control sequences in handling uncertainty in energy use and indoor environmental quality using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for control components", Energy and Buildings, 225
  • Lidia Morawska, Julian W. Tang, William P Bahnfleth, Philomena M. Bluyssen, Atze Boerstra, Giorgio Buonanno, Junji Cao, Stephanie Dancer, Andres Floto, Francesco Franchimon, Charles Haworth, Jaap Hogeling, Christina Isaxon, Jose L. Jimenez, Jarek Kurnitski, Yuguo Li, Marcel Loomans, Guy Marks, Linsey C. Marr, Livio Mazzarella, Arsen Krikor Melikov, Shelly Miller, Donald K. Milton, William Nazaroff, Peter V. Nielsen, Catherine Noakes, Jordan Peccia, Xavier Querol, Chandra Sekhar, Olli Seppänen, Shin ichi Tanabe, Raymond Tellier, Kwok Wai Tham, Pawel Wargocki, Aneta Wierzbicka and Maosheng Yao, 2020, "How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised?", Environment International, 142
  • Pawel Wargocki, Jose Porras-Salazar, Sergio Contreras-Espinoza and William P Bahnfleth, 2020, "The Relationship Between Classroom Air Quality and Children’s Performance in School", Building and Environment, 173, pp. 12
  • Dolaana Khovalyg, Ongun Kazanci, Hanne Halvorsen, Ida Gundlach, William P Bahnfleth, Bjarne Olesen and Jørn Toftum, 2020, "Critical Review of National and International Standards on Indoor Environment. Energy and Buildings", Energy and Buildings, 213, pp. 19
  • W. J. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth, M. Raguse and R. Moeller, 2020, "The cluster model of ultraviolet disinfection explains tailing kinetics", Journal of Applied Microbiology, 128, (4), pp. 1003-1014
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2019, "Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches", 61, (10), pp. 76-78
  • Verena Barthelmes, Rongling Li, Rune Andersen, William P Bahnfleth, Stefano Corgnati and Carsten Rode, 2018, "Profiling Occupant Behaviour and Occupancy in Danish Dwellings using Time Use Survey Data. Energy and Buildings", Energy and Buildings
  • Joseph Firrantello, William P Bahnfleth and Paul A Kremer, 2018, "Field measurement and modeling of UVC cooling coil irradiation for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning energy use reduction (RP-1738)—Part 1: Field measurements", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, pp. 12
  • Joseph Firrantello and William P Bahnfleth, 2018, "Field measurement and modeling of UVC cooling coil irradiation for HVAC energy use reduction (RP-1738)—Part 2: Energy, indoor air quality, and economic modeling", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, pp. 12
  • Joseph Firrantello and William P Bahnfleth, 2017, "Simulation and monetization of collateral airborne infection risk improvements from UVGI for coil maintenance", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 24, (2), pp. 135-148
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2017, "Cooling Coil Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation", ASHRAE Journal, 59, (10), pp. 72-74
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2017, "Defining Indoor Air Quality", ASHRAE Journal, 59, (5), pp. 84-86
  • Yi Wang, Chandra Sekhar, William P Bahnfleth, David Cheong and Joseph Firrantello, 2017, "Effects of Ultraviolet Coil Irradiation Systems on Air-side Heat Transfer Coefficient and Low ?T Syndrome in a Hot and Humid Climate", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 23, (4), pp. 582-593
  • Zheng Cheng, Lingling Li and William P Bahnfleth, 2016, "Natural ventilation potential for gymnasia – Case study of ventilation and comfort in a multisport facility in northeastern United States", Building and Environment, 108, pp. 85-98
  • Stephen B. Martin, Elizabeth S. Schauer, David H. Blum, Paul A Kremer, William P Bahnfleth and James Freihaut, 2016, "A new dual-collimation batch reactor for determination of ultraviolet inactivation rate constants for microorganisms in aqueous suspensions", Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 162, pp. 674-680
  • Yi Wang, Chandra Sekhar, William P Bahnfleth, Kok Wai Cheong and Joseph Firrantello, 2016, "Effects of an ultraviolet coil irradiation system on the airside heat transfer coefficient and low ?T syndrome in a hot and humid climate", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, pp. 1-12
  • Yi Wang, C Sekhar, William P Bahnfleth, D Cheong and Joseph Firrantello, 2016, "Effectiveness of an Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation System in Enhancing Cooling Coil Energy Performance in a Hot and Humid Climate", Energy and Buildings
  • C Marino, F Minichiello and William P Bahnfleth, 2015, "The Influence of Surface Finishes on the Energy Demand of HVAC Systems for Existing Buildings", Energy and Buildings, 95, pp. 70-79
  • William P Bahnfleth, C Balaras, K Smith, W Chakroun, T Werkema, N Zhou, N Khanna, W Feng, F Mills, A Rakheja and B Olesen, 2014, "Shaping the Next...Global", ASHRAE J., 56, (7), pp. 22-31
  • William P Bahnfleth, C Mathis, E Mills, M Sherman, J Gibbons, T Newell, J Mix and B Newell, 2014, "Shaping the Next...Future of Residential Construction", ASHRAE J, 56, (5), pp. 26-42
  • William P Bahnfleth, P Torcellini, E Richman, S Baumgartner, D Wade, H Misuriello, L Brackney and T Wentz, 2014, "Shaping the Next....Building and Energy", ASHRAE J, 56, (1), pp. 24-34
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2014, "Shaping the Next", ASHRAE J, 55, (8), pp. 22-30
  • William P Bahnfleth, W Fisk, A Persily, S Martin, D Stanke, Y , B Magee and B Burroughs, 2013, "Shaping the Next....Indoor Air Quality", ASHRAE J, 55, (8), pp. 50-58
  • William P Bahnfleth, P. Saekow*, J. Firrantello* and P. Kremer, 2012, "Ultraviolet irradiance measurement and modeling of in-duct ultraviolet germicidal irradiation devices for evaluation on their effectiveness", International Journal of HVAC&R Research, 18, (4), pp. 626-642
  • S. Snyder, T. A. Reddy and William P Bahnfleth, 2012, "Investigation of CO2 Tracer Gas-Based Calibration of Multi-Zone Airflow Models", ASHRAE Transactions, 118, (2), pp. 698-710
  • William P Bahnfleth, P. Saekow*, J. Firrantello and P. Kremer, 2012, "Semi-Quantitative and Formal Metrics for Multizone Air Flow Model Quality Assessment", International Journal of HVAC&R Research, 18, (1-2), pp. 252-263
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "UVGI in Air Handlers", ASHRAE Journal, 53, (4), pp. 70-72
  • T. A. Reddy, S. Snyder, J. Bem and William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "Analysis tools and guidance documents for evaluating and reducing vulnerability of buildings to airborne threats: part 2- comparison of tools", ASHRAE Transactions, 117, (1), pp. 9
  • T. A. Reddy, S. Snyder, J. Bem and William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "Analysis tools and guidance documents for evaluating and reducing vulnerability of buildings to airborne threats: part 1- literature review", ASHRAE Transactions, 117, (1), pp. 9
  • W. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth and M. Hernandez, 2009, "A genomic model for the ultraviolet susceptibility of viruses", IUVA News, 11, (2), pp. 15-28
  • J. Jeong, J. Bem, William P Bahnfleth, J. Freihaut and B. Thran, 2009, "Critical review of aerosol particle transport models for building HVAC ducts", ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 15, (3), pp. 74-83
  • J. Lau, William P Bahnfleth and W. Freihaut, 2009, "Estimating the effects of ambient conditions on the performance of UVGI air cleaners", Building and Environment, 44, (7), pp. 1362-1370
  • Y.-J. Yoon, M. Moeck, R. Mistrick and William P Bahnfleth, 2008, "How much energy do different toplighting strategies save?", ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 14, (4), pp. 101-110
  • William P Bahnfleth, J. Lau and J. Freihaut, 2008, "Wind chill effects on germicidal ultraviolet lamps", ASHRAE IAQ Applications, 9, (4), pp. 11-13
  • S. Martin, C. Dunn, J. Freihaut, William P Bahnfleth, J. Lau and A. Nedeljkovic-Davidovic, 2008, "Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation: current best practices", ASHRAE Journal, 50, (8), pp. 28-36
  • B. Hu, J. Freihaut, William P Bahnfleth and B. Thran, 2008, "Measurements and factorial analysis of micron-sized particle adhesion force to indoor flooring materials by electrostatic detachment method", Aerosol Science and Technology, 42, (7), pp. 513-520
  • J. W. Jeong, J. Firrantello, William P Bahnfleth, J. Freihaut and A. Musser, 2008, "Case studies of building envelope leakage measurement using an air-handler fan pressurization approach", Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 29, (2), pp. 137-155
  • J.-W. Jeong, J. Firrantello, J. Freihaut, William P Bahnfleth and A. Musser, 2008, "Feasibility of wireless measurements for semi-empirical multizone airflow model tuning", Building and Environment, 43, (0), pp. 1507-1520
  • C. Gomes, J. Freihaut and William P Bahnfleth, 2007, "Resuspension of allergen-containing particles under mechanical and aerodynamic disturbances from human walking", Atmospheric Environment, 41, pp. 5257-5270
  • B. Hu, J. Freihaut, William P Bahnfleth, P. Aumpansub and B. Thran, 2007, "Modeling the influence of human activity on particle resuspension and dispersion in a multizone indoor environment with HVAC system", ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 13, (4), pp. 187-193
  • J. Firrantello, P. Aumpansub, William P Bahnfleth, B. Hu, J. Freihaut, B. Thran and S. Hutchens, 2007, "Effects of HVAC system and building characteristics on exposure of occupants to short duration point source aerosol releases", ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 13, (2), pp. 84-94
  • T. A. Reddy and William P Bahnfleth, 2007, "Requirements for a probabilistic risk-based decision methodology for reducing vulnerability of building occupants to extreme IAQ events", ASHRAE Transactions, 113, (1), pp. 281-295
  • J. Firrantello, William P Bahnfleth, A. Musser, J. Freihaut and J.-W. Jeong, 2007, "Use of factorial sensitivity analysis in multizone airflow model tuning", ASHRAE Transactions, 113, (1), pp. 642-651
  • William P Bahnfleth and E. Peyer, 2006, "Energy use and economic comparison of chilled water pumping alternatives", ASHRAE Transactions, 112, (2), pp. 198-208
  • Y.-J. Yoon, M. Moeck, R. Mistrick and William P Bahnfleth, 2006, "Optimal daylight factor for energy-efficient toplighting system", ASHRAE Transactions, 112, (2), pp. 622-632
  • William P Bahnfleth, T. Brennan, H. Burroughs, C. Davidson, W. Delp, D. Ensor, R. Gomory, P. Olsiewski, J. Samet, W. Smith, A. Streifel, R. White, J. Woods, P. Hitchcock, M. Mair, T. Inglesby, J. Gross, D. Henderson, T. O'Toole and J. Ahern-Seronde, 2006, "Reducing exposure to aerosolized infectious agents in a building; recommendations of the Working Group on HVAC Systems to Reduce Risks Posed by Biological Attacks", Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science, 4, (1), pp. 1-15
  • William P Bahnfleth and W. Kowalski, 2005, "Indoor air quality: issues and resolutions", HPAC Engineering, 77, (6), pp. 6-12
  • W. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth and R. Mistrick, 2005, "A specular model for UVGI air disinfection systems", IUVA News, 7, (1), pp. 19-26
  • William P Bahnfleth and J. Song, 2005, "Constant flow rate charging characteristics of a full-scale stratified chilled water storage tank with double-ring slotted pipe diffusers", Applied Thermal Engineering, 25, (17-18), pp. 3067-3082
  • William P Bahnfleth, G. McLeod and S. Bowins, 2003, "Chilled water storage in Western Australia", ASHRAE Transactions
  • W. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth, B. Striebig and T. Whittam, 2003, "Demonstration of a hermetic airborne ozone disinfection system: studies on e. coli", American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal
  • W. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth and A. Musser, 2003, "Modeling bioterrorism defense systems in a commercial office building", ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering
  • J. W. Jeong, S. Mumma and William P Bahnfleth, 2003, "Energy conservation benefits of a dedicated outdoor air system with parallel sensible cooling by ceiling radiant panels", ASHRAE Transactions
  • W. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth and W. Rosenberger, 2003, "Dimensional analysis of UVGI air disinfection systems", International Journal of HVAC&R Research
  • William P Bahnfleth, J. Song and J. Cimbala, 2003, "Measured and modeled charing of a stratified chilled water thermal storage tank with slotted pipe diffusers", International Journal of HVAC&R Research
  • W. Kowalski and William P Bahnfleth, 2003, "Immune building technology and bioterrorism", HPAC Engineering
  • W. Kowalski and William P Bahnfleth, 2003, "Filtration of airborne microorganisms", AirConditioning and Refrigeration Journal
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2003, "HVAC education: you are what you teach", HPAC Engineering

Conference Proceedings

  • Kishor Khankari and William P Bahnfleth, 2022, "Computational fluid dyanmics modeling of ultraviolet germicidal UV-C to control the probability of infection due to transmission of airborne pathogens", 128, (1), pp. 8
  • Youngbo Won, Richard G Mistrick, Donghyun Rim and William P Bahnfleth, 2022, "CFD modeling of room air flow effects on inactivation of aerosol SARS-CoV-2 by an upper room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) system", Proceedings of IAQ 2020, pp. 9
  • Andrew ` Persily, William P Bahnfleth, Howard Kipen, Josephine Lau, Corinne Mandin, Chandra Sekhar, Pawel Wargocki and Lan Chie Nguyen-Weekes, 2022, "ASHRAE’s New Position Document on Indoor Carbon Dioxide. Proc. Indoor Air 2022", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2022, pp. 2
  • Dolaana Khovalyg, Ongun Kazanci, Ida Gundlach, William P Bahnfleth, Bjarne Olesen and Jørn Toftum, 2020, "Impact of Indoor Environmental Quality Standards on the Simulated Energy Use of Classrooms", Proc. 11th Windsor Conference, pp. 13
  • V. Barthelemes, R. Li, R. Andersen, William P Bahnfleth, S. Corgnati and C. Rode, 2018, "Profiling Occupant Behaviour in Danish Dwellings using Time Use Survey Data – Part I: Data Description and Activity Profiling"
  • V. Barthelemes, R. Li, R. Andersen, William P Bahnfleth, S. Corgnati and C. Rode, 2018, "Profiling Occupant Behaviour in Danish Dwellings using Time Use Survey Data – Part II: Time-related Factors and Occupancy"
  • P. Wargocki, J. Porras-Salazar and William P Bahnfleth, 2017, "Learning performance outcomes in relation to classroom air quality and temperature", pp. 19
  • Zheng Cheng, Lingling Li and William P Bahnfleth, 2016, "Natural ventilation potential for gymnasia – Case study of ventilation and comfort in a multisport facility in northeastern United States", pp. 8
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2016, "Does an AHU-installed UVGI System Enhance the Heat and Mass Transfer Performance of a Cooling Coil in a Hot and Humid Climate?", pp. 6
  • Yi Wang, C Sekhar, William P Bahnfleth, D Cheong and J Firrantello, 2016, "Effects of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation on Reducing Air-side Pressure Drop for a Cooling Coil in a Hot and Humid Climate", pp. 5
  • Joseph Firrantello and William P Bahnfleth, 2016, "Modeling Monetization of Collateral IAQ Improvements from UVGI for Coil Cleaning", pp. 8
  • C Sekhar, L T Soh, V Goh, H M Yap, W Yi, R Gutierrez, L C Ng, D Cheong and William P Bahnfleth, 2016, "Disinfection Performance of an Ultraviolet Coil Irradiation System in a Hot and Humid Climate", pp. 8
  • C Marino, F Minichiello and William P Bahnfleth, 2015, "The influence of surface finishes on the energy demand of HVAC systems for existing buildings. 49th AiCARR International Conference (Historical and existing buildings: designing the retrofit)", pp. 17
  • S Lee, J DeGraw, William P Bahnfleth, R Leicht and J Messner, 2014, "BIM-Based Processes and Standardized Information Exchanges for Multizone Airflow Analysis", pp. 8
  • M Heidarinejad, M Dahlhausen, J Wentz, J Bin Li, M Wang, Y Sun, N Mattise, C Casey, J DeGraw, J Srebric, R Mistrick and William P Bahnfleth, 2014, "Web-Based Integration of Energy, Daylight, and Airflow Simulations to Facilitate Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures", pp. 8
  • Y Wang, C Sekhar, William P Bahnfleth and S Karuppaiah, 2014, "Effectiveness of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) Systems in Air Handling Units in Enhancing Energy Performance", pp. 7
  • S. Martin, Jr., E. Shogren, D. Blum, P. Kremer, William P Bahnfleth and J. Freihaut, 2012, "Development of a Dual-Collimation Batch Reactor for Determining Ultraviolet Inactivation Rate Constants (k-values) for Airborne Microorganisms", Healthy Buildings 2012, pp. 6
  • S. Martin, Jr., E. Shogren, D. Blum, P. Kremer, William P Bahnfleth and J. Freihaut, 2012, "A Novel Dual-Collimation Batch Reactor for Determination of Ultraviolet Inactivation Rate Constants for Microorganisms in Aqueous Suspensions", Healthy Buildings 2012
  • J. DeGraw, William P Bahnfleth and A. Musser, 2012, "Streamlined multizone model creation", SimBuild 2012, pp. 8
  • J. DeGraw, J. Firrantello* and William P Bahnfleth, 2012, "A methodology for assessing energy use and effectiveness of uvgi systems", Healthy Buildings 2012, pp. 6
  • J. DeGraw and William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "Influence of toxic load effects on indoor air contaminant exposure metrics", Indoor Air 2011 conference
  • J. DeGraw and William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "Automated evaluation of potential collective protection locations using multizone modeling", Indoor Air 2011 conference, pp. 6
  • J. Firrantello and William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "An Air Cleaner Effectiveness Approach to the Analysis of In-Duct UVGI Systems", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2011, pp. 6
  • S. Snyder, T. A. Reddy and William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "Investigation of CO2 Tracer Gas-Based Calibration of Multi-Zone Airflow Models", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2011, pp. 6
  • J. DeGraw and William P Bahnfleth, 2011, "Quantifying chemical/biological event severity with vulnerability-based performance metrics", Conference paper - ASHRAE Transactions, 117, (1), pp. 8
  • P. Saekow, William P Bahnfleth and P. Kremer, 2010, "Comparison of semi-quantitative and formal metrics for multizone air flow model quality assessment", Proceedings of IAQVEC 2010 (7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation, and Energy Conservation), pp. 8
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2009, "Energy conservation in existing buildings: first priority for a sustainable energy future", Proceedings of AiCARR 47th International Conference, pp. 12
  • J. Lau, William P Bahnfleth and J. Freihaut, 2009, "UVC output dependence of low pressure mercury vapor lamps in parallel and cross flow on air temperature and velocity", Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2009, pp. 4
  • William P Bahnfleth, B. Lee, J. Lau and J. Freihaut, 2009, "Annual simulation of in-duct ultraviolet germicidal irradiation system performance", Proceedings of Building Simulation 2009, The 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference and Exhibition, pp. 8
  • B. Lee, William P Bahnfleth and K. Auer, 2009, "Life-cycle cost simulation of in-duct ultraviolet germicidal irradiation systems", Proceedings of Building Simulation 2009, the 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference and Exhibition, pp. 8
  • D. McWhirter and William P Bahnfleth, 2009, "Tracer gas studies of return air system influence on distribution of localized short duration indoor contaminant releases", Proceedings of ROOMVENT 2009 (11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms), pp. 8
  • C. Gomes, J. Freihaut, William P Bahnfleth and J. Rosenberger, 2008, "Resuspension rates of carrier particle mediated indoor contaminants in the 0.5-10 micron regime", Indoor Air 2008 (11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate), pp. 8
  • J. Lau, William P Bahnfleth, R. Mistrick, P. Kremer and J. Freihaut, 2008, "Modeling and experimental validation of the irradiance distribution in an in-duct UVGI device", Indoor Air 2008 (11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate), pp. 7
  • J. Lau, William P Bahnfleth, P. Kremer and J. Freihaut, 2008, "Investigation of surface temperature distributions of UVC lamps under variable flow conditions using infrared camera measurements", Indoor Air 2008 (11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate), pp. 8
  • J. Lau, William P Bahnfleth and J. Freihaut, 2007, "Estimating the effects of ambient conditions and aging on the performance of UVGI air cleaners", Proceedings of IAQVEC 2007 (6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation, and Energy Conservation in Buildings), pp. 8
  • J. Lau, William P Bahnfleth and J. Freihaut, 2007, "Predicted performance of in-duct UVGI systems under variable operating conditions", Proceedings of IAQ 2007-Healthy and Sustainable Buildings
  • J. Firrantello, William P Bahnfleth, J. Jeong, A. Musser and J. Freihaut, 2007, "Field testing of a semi-empirical multizone airflow model calibration method", Proc. Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors (9th REHVA World Congress)
  • C. Gomes, B. Hu, William P Bahnfleth and J. Freihaut, 2007, "Production of characterized, air suspendable, dusts containing common indoor allergens for inhalation exposure research", Proc. Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors (9th REHVA World Congress)
  • Y. Yoon, R. Mistrick, M. Moeck and William P Bahnfleth, 2007, "Optimization of energy-efficient toplighting systems and comparison to LEED criteria", Proceedings of the IESNA Annual Conference
  • B. Hu, J. Freihaut, William P Bahnfleth and B. Thran, 2006, "Simulating transient particle deposition/re-suspension in indoor environments", Proc. Third International Building Physics Conference,, pp. 7
  • William P Bahnfleth, P. Aumpansub, T. A. Reddy and J. Freihaut, 2006, "Methodology for quantitative evaluation of control measures for indoor air contaminants", Proceedings of Indoor Environmental Quality - Problems, Research, and Solutions (co-sponsored by Air and Waste Management Association and U.S. EPA), pp. 19
  • C. Gomes, B. Hu, J. Freihaut and William P Bahnfleth, 2006, "Surface-to-air suspension behavior of allergen-containing particles in indoor environments", Proceedings of Indoor Environmental Quality - Problems, Research, and Solutions (co-sponsored by Air and Waste Management Association and U.S. EPA), pp. 28
  • William P Bahnfleth, W. Kowalski and J. Freihaut, 2005, "Standards and guidelines for UVGI air treatment systems", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005 (10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate), pp. 3464-3468
  • B. Hu, J. Freihaut, C. Gomes, William P Bahnfleth and B. Thran, 2005, "Literature review and parametric study: indoor particle resuspension by human activity", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005 (10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate), pp. 1541-1545
  • C. Gomes, J. Freihaut and William P Bahnfleth, 2005, "Resuspension of allergen-containing particles under mechanical and aerodynamic disturbances from human walking - introduction to an experimental controlled methodology", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005 (10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate), pp. 1445-1449
  • J. Firrantello, William P Bahnfleth, A. Musser, J. Freihaut and J.-W. Jeong, 2005, "Application of sensitivity analysis to multizone airflow model tuning", Proceedings of Clima 2005 (8th REHVA World Congress), pp. 6
  • William P Bahnfleth and J. Volchek, 2003, "Security as a design parameter for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems", Proceedings of the 21st IIR International Congresss on Refrigeration
  • William P Bahnfleth and E. Peyer, 2003, "Energy use characteristics of variable primary flow chilled water pumping systems", Proceedings of the 21st IIR International Congress on Refrigeration
  • Kishor Khankari and William P Bahnfleth, , "Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of HVAC Layout on the Performance of Ultraviolet Germicidal (UV-C) to Control the Probability of Infection Due to Transmission of Airborne Pathogens", 128, (2), pp. 8


  • William P Bahnfleth, , "Reducing the vulnerability of buildings to airborne threats: a review of recent guidance documents", Homeland Security for Buildings, supplement to HPAC Engineering
  • William P Bahnfleth and E. Peyer, , "Varying views on variable flow chilled water systems", HPAC Engineering
  • William P Bahnfleth, , "Reducing Building Vulnerability: Recent Guidance Documents", HPAC Engineering
  • William P Bahnfleth, P. Saekow*, J. Firrantello* and P. Kremer, , "Comparison of semi-quantitative and formal metrics for multizone air flow model quality assessment", International Journal of HVAC&R Research


  • Paula Olsiewski, Richard Bruns, Gigi Gronvall, William P Bahnfleth, Gunnar Mattson, Christina Potter and Rachel Vahey, 2021, "School Ventilation: A Vital Tool to Reduce COVID-19 Spread. Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security", pp. 46
  • W. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth and M. Hernandez, 2009, "A genomic model for the prediction of ultraviolet susceptibility for viruses and bacteria", pp. 28
  • W. Kowalski, William P Bahnfleth and M. Hernandez, 2009, "A genomic model for the prediction of ultraviolet inactivation rate constants for RNA and DNA viruses", pp. 28
  • C. Gomes, J. Freihaut, William P Bahnfleth and M. Chapman, 2008, "A quantitative investigation of coupled effects of particle size and humidity on the aerosolisation of allergen-containing particles produced from milling of natural materials", 64
  • J. Freihaut, C. Gomes, William P Bahnfleth, B. Hu, A. Salapatek, S. McCue, L. Nimraj, V. Walsh, P. Patel, M. Chapman and B. Thran, 2008, "Mechanical and aerodynamic dispersion properties of indoor allergen carrier particles produced from natural materials"
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2007, "Water Storage", pp. 34.1-34.33
  • G. Partridge Jr., N. Javeed, J. Freihaut and William P Bahnfleth, 2005, "Chemical vapor/aerosol exposure dose modeling for the human respiratory system (poster)"
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2005, "What is thermal energy storage, how does it work, and what are its benefits?"
  • W. Kowalski and William P Bahnfleth, 2003, "Proposed Standards and Guidelines for UVGI Air Disinfection"
  • William P Bahnfleth, J. Freihaut and W. Kowalski, 2003, "Elements of risk-based design of safe and health building systems"
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2003, "Safe Building Program Research Implementation Plan & Committee on the Safe Building Program"
  • William P Bahnfleth, 2003, "Water Storage"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2022
  • Presidential Certificate of Honor, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2022
  • Outreach Award (Exemplary Designation), Penn State, 2021
  • F. Paul Anderson Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2020
  • Donald Bahnfleth Environmental Health Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2019
  • E. K. Campbell Award of Merit, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2019
  • Louise and Bill Holladay Distinguished Fellow, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2018
  • World-Class Engineering Faculty Award, Penn State Engineering Alumni Society, 2016
  • Exceptional Service Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2008
  • Technical and Symposium Paper Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2007
  • Distinguished Service Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 1998
  • Technology Award - 1st Place, Industrial Facilities or Processes-Existing, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 1995
  • Distinguished Lecturer, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), June 2009


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Committee Member, Committee on Emergin Indoor Chemistry, January 2021 - April 2022
  • Service to Public and Private Organizations, Chairperson, ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force, March 2020
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Committee Member, Environmental Health Committee, ASHRAE, 2019 - 2022



Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

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