Photo of Nathan Brown

Nathan Brown

Assistant Professor


  • Architectural Engineering
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

N583 ECoRE Building


Research Website

Research Areas:

Building Structural Systems

Interest Areas:

Conceptual design, sustainable design, structural and multi-objective optimization, computational design tools, applications of data science to building design.





Journal Articles

  • Jonathan Broyles, Ryan L. Solnosky and Nathan Brown, 2025, "The influence of fire, sound, and vibration requirements on embodied carbon in the design of concrete floors", Journal of Building Engineering, pp. 112030
  • Laura Hinkle and Nathan Brown, 2025, "Updating surrogate models in early building design via tabular transfer learning", Building and Environment, 267, pp. 112307
  • Hossein Zargar, Robert Leicht, Alan Wagner, Jose Pinto Duarte and Nathan Brown, 2025, "Beyond trial and error: toward a fabrication-aware early design optimization considering robotic capabilities", Architecture, Structures and Construction, 5, (10)
  • Jonathan Broyles, Micah R Shepherd, Andrew Barnard and Nathan Brown, 2024, "A computationally efficient method for evaluating impact sound insulation for custom concrete floor geometries", Computers and Structures, 305, pp. 107582
  • Goncalo Duarte, Nathan Brown, Memari, Juan Pablo Gevaudan and Jose Duarte, 2024, "Design for early-age structural performance of 3D printed concrete structures: a parametric numerical modeling approach", Journal of Building Engineering, 94, pp. 109986
  • Samantha Leonard, Nathan Brown and Ryan L. Solnosky, 2024, "The Impact of Prescriptive Fire Design Provisions on Embodied Carbon for IBC Type IV Construction", ASCE Practical Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 29, (2), pp. 04024012
  • Jonathan Broyles, Juan Pablo Gevaudan, Michael Hopper, Ryan L. Solnosky and Nathan Brown, 2024, "Equations for early-stage design embodied carbon estimation for concrete floors of varying loading and strength", Engineering Structures, 301, pp. 117369
  • Ali Alhussain, Jose Pinto Duarte and Nathan Brown, 2024, "Developing a data-driven filament shape prediction model for 3D concrete printing", Frontiers in Built Environment, 10, pp. 1363370
  • Laura Hinkle, Gregory Pavlak, Leland Curtis and Nathan Brown, 2024, "Implementing dynamic subset sensitivity analysis for early design datasets", Automation in Construction, 158, pp. 105198
  • Rugved Kore, Nathan Brown and Dorukalp Durmus, 2024, "Optimising augmented reality projector light output to balance art conservation, colour quality and energy consumption", Lighting Research & Technology, 56, (4), pp. 421-438
  • Hossein Zargar, Robert Leicht, Alan Wagner and Nathan Brown, 2024, "Integrating early assessment of robotic constructability into design optimization of a standalone classroom", Automation in Construction, 157, pp. 105175
  • Stephanie Bunt, Catherine Berdanier and Nathan Brown, 2023, "Observing architectural engineering graduate students’ digital parametric design behaviors using eyetracking methods", Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 149, (4), pp. 04023005
  • Mohammad Moeini, Nathan Brown and Ali M Memari, 2023, "Estimating hurricane-induced vertical surge and wave loads on elevated coastal buildings based on CFD simulations and ensemble learning", Coastal Engineering, 183, pp. 104325
  • Demi Fang, Nathan Brown, Catherine De Wolf and Caitlin Mueller, 2023, "Reducing embodied carbon in structural systems: a review of early-stage design strategies", Journal of Building Engineering, 76, pp. 107054
  • Goncalo Duarte, Jose Pinto Duarte, Ali M Memari, Nathan Brown and Juan Pablo Gevaudan, 2023, "Towards a model for structural performance in concrete printing based on buildability and toolpath design", Journal of Building Engineering, 69, pp. 106325
  • Stephanie Bunt and Nathan Brown, 2023, "Design efficacy and exploration behavior of student architect-engineer design teams in shared parametric environments", Buildings, 13, (5), pp. 1296
  • Jonathan Broyles, Micah Shepherd and Nathan Brown, 2023, "Evaluation of the dynamic response for scaled models of shaped concrete floor slabs", Building Acoustics, 30, (2), pp. 143-163
  • Jonathan Broyles, Micah R Shepherd and Nathan Brown, 2022, "Modified acoustic transmission metrics for early-stage design exploration", Applied Acoustics, 196, pp. 108865
  • Laura Hinkle, Julian Wang and Nathan Brown, 2022, "Quantifying potential dynamic facade energy savings in early design using constrained optimization", Building and Environment, 221, pp. 109265
  • Jonathan Broyles, Micah R Shepherd and Nathan Brown, 2022, "Design optimization of structural-acoustic spanning concrete elements in buildings", Journal of Architectural Engineering, 28, (1), pp. 04021044
  • Fernando Lima, Nathan Brown and Jose Pinto Duarte, 2022, "A grammar-based multi-objective optimization approach for walkable urban fabrics considering infrastructure cost", Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49, (5), pp. 1489-1506
  • Fernando Lima, Nathan Brown and Jose Pinto Duarte, 2021, "Understanding the impact of walkability, population density, and population size on COVID-19 spread: a pilot study of the early contagion in the United States", Entropy, 23, (11), pp. 1512
  • Isabelle Hens, Ryan L. Solnosky and Nathan C Brown, 2021, "Design space exploration for comparing embodied carbon in tall timber structural systems", Energy and Buildings, 244, pp. 110983
  • Goncalo Duarte, Nathan C Brown, Ali M Memari and Jose P Duarte, 2021, "Learning from historical structures under compression for concrete 3D printing construction", Journal of Building Engineering, 43, pp. 103009
  • Mary Taylor, Nathan Brown and Donghyun Rim, 2021, "Optimizing thermal comfort and energy use for learning environments", Energy and Buildings, 248, pp. 111181
  • Nathan Brown, Violetta Jusiega and Caitlin Mueller, 2020, "Implementing data-driven parametric building design with a flexible toolbox approach", Automation in Construction, 118, pp. 103252
  • Nathan Brown, 2020, "Design performance and designer preference in an interactive, data-driven conceptual building design scenario", Design Studies, 68, pp. 1-33
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin T Mueller, 2019, "Design variable analysis and generation for performance-based parametric modeling in architecture", International Journal of Architectural Computing, 17, (1), pp. 36-52
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin T Mueller, 2019, "Quantifying diversity in parametric design: a comparison of possible metrics", Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 33, (1), pp. 40-53
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin T Mueller, 2016, "Design for structural and energy performance of long span buildings using geometric multi-objective optimization", Energy and Buildings, 127, pp. 748-761
  • Stavros Tseranidis, Nathan Brown and Caitlin T Mueller, 2016, "Data-driven approximation algorithms for rapid performance evaluation and optimization of civil structures", Automation in Construction, 72, pp. 279-293
  • Sigrid Adriaenssens, Nathan Brown, R Lowinger and J Hernandez, 2014, "Structural analysis of reinforced concrete folded hyperbolic paraboloid: a case study of the Miami Marine Stadium", International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8, (4), pp. 498-516

Conference Proceedings

  • Amir Ghasem Boshrouei Shargh, Andre Barbosa, Barbara Simpson, Arijit Sinha, John van de Lindt and Nathan Brown, 2024, "Multi-objective Optimization of Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Walls", 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), Milan, Italy
  • Amir Ghasem Boshrouei Shargh, R Barati and Nathan Brown, 2024, "Angular Efficiency of Intensity Measures", 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), Milan, Italy
  • Morgan McBain, Gustavo Araujo, Barbara Simpson, F Freddi, Prashanna Mishra, Patricio Uarac, Andre Barbosa, Arijit Sinha, John van de Lindt and Nathan Brown, 2024, "Shake table testing of a six-story, full-scale, mass timber rocking wall using buckling-restrained boundary elements as energy dissipators", 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), Milan, Italy
  • Stephanie Bunt, Catherine Berdanier and Nathan Brown, 2023, "Optimization strategies of architecture and engineering graduate students: responding to data during design", Computer-Aided Architectural Design. INTERCONNECTIONS: Co-computing Beyond Boundaries, Delft, Netherlands, 1819, pp. 174-189
  • Laura Hinkle and Nathan Brown, 2023, "Expanding performance-driven parametric design spaces through data streams", Computer-Aided Architectural Design. INTERCONNECTIONS: Co-computing Beyond Boundaries, Delft, Netherlands, 1819, pp. 145-158
  • Stephanie Bunt, Laura Hinkle, Andrew Walton and Nathan Brown, 2023, "Relationship between high school STEM self-competency and behavior in a parametric building design activity", 2023 Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education, Baltimore, MD
  • Laura Hinkle, Gregory Pavlak, Leland Curtis and Nathan Brown, 2022, "Dynamic subset sensitivity analysis for design exploration", Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, San Diego, CA
  • Jonathan Broyles, Ashley Hartwell, Eduardo Gascon Alvarez, Mohammad Ismail, Les Norford, Caitlin Mueller and Nathan Brown, 2022, "Shape optimization of concrete floor systems for sustainability, acoustical, and thermal objectives", Proceedings of the International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Aalborg, Denmark
  • Stephanie Bunt and Nathan Brown, 2022, "Evaluating profession-based vocabulary in teams of architecture and engineering designers", Proceedings of the International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Aalborg, Denmark
  • Samantha Leonard, Ryan Solnosky, Nathan Brown and Corey Griffin, 2022, "Parametric evaluation of embodied carbon within design for hybrid mass timber floor systems", 2022 Residential Building Design & Construction Conference, Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, State College, PA
  • Farzaneh Oghazian, Nathan Brown and Felecia Davis, 2022, "Calibrating a form-finding algorithm for simulation of knitted tension architectural models", Proceedings of CAADRIA 2022, Online
  • Nathan Brown and Stephanie Bunt, 2022, "Optimization tools as a platform for latent qualitative design education of technical designers", National Conference on the Beginning Design Student 37, Muncie, IN
  • Jonathan Broyles, Micah Shepherd and Nathan Brown, 2021, "Quantifying sound transmission of building structures for optimization in early-stage design", INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Washington, D.C., 263, (5), pp. 1215-1226
  • Ryan L. Solnosky, Nathan Brown and Rebecca Napolitano, 2021, "Teaching structures in an (almost) empty room: An assessment of strategies for student engagement in mixed-mode and remote classes", ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Virtual Conference
  • Stephanie Bunt and Nathan Brown, 2021, "Homogeneity versus heterogeneity in architect-engineer design teams", Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2021, Online
  • Jonathan Broyles, Micah R Shepherd and Nathan Brown, 2021, "Evaluation of shaped concrete floor slabs for structure-borne and air-borne acoustic performance", Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2021, Online
  • Thomas E Boothby, Nathan Brown and Annalisa Crannell, 2021, "Saving appearances: Treatment of anomalies in the projective geometry- graphic statics analogy", Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2021, Online
  • Seyed Hossein Zargar and Nathan Brown, 2021, "Deep learning in early-stage structural performance prediction: Assessing morphological parameters for buildings", Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2021, Online
  • Fernando Lima, Nathan Brown and Jose Pinto Duarte, 2021, "Urban design optimization: generative approaches towards urban fabrics with improved transit accessibility and walkability", Proceedings of CAADRIA 2021
  • Jonathan Broyles, Micah R Shepherd and Nathan Brown, 2020, "Investigation of optimization techniques on structural-acoustic-shaped concrete slabs in buildings", Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 42, (1), pp. 022001
  • Nathan Brown, 2020, "Suggesting design directions: early examples of simulation-based guidance for common model types", Proceedings of simAUD 2020, Online
  • Nathan Brown, 2019, "Interactive optimization: Understanding how designers engage with live performance feedback from multiple surrogate models", Barcelona, Spain
  • Demi Fang, Alpha Arsano, Nathan Brown, Christoph Reinhart and Caitlin Mueller, 2019, "Design space exploration for high-performance greenhouse design", Barcelona, Spain
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin Mueller, 2018, "Gradient-based guidance for controlling performance in early design exploration", Cambridge, MA
  • Courtney Stephen, Nathan Brown and Caitlin Mueller, 2018, "Clustering analysis of structural loading for post-disaster housing design", Cambridge, MA
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin Mueller, 2017, "Designing with data: moving beyond the design space catalog", Cambridge, MA
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin Mueller, 2017, "Automated performance-based design space simplification for parametric structural design", Hamburg, Germany
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin Mueller, 2016, "The effect of performance feedback and optimization on the conceptual design process", Tokyo, Japan
  • Nathan Brown and Caitlin Mueller, 2016, "Early-stage integration of architectural and structural performance in a parametric multi-objective design tool", Guimarães, Portugal
  • Nathan Brown, Stavros Tseranidis and Caitlin Mueller, 2015, "Multi-objective optimization for diversity and performance in conceptual structural design", Amsterdam
  • S. Adriaenssens, R. Lowinger, J. Hernandez, N. Brown, A. Halpern, Z. Aye and M. Prier, 2012, "The shells of the Miami Marine Stadium: synergy between form, force, and energy", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • 2022 Best Paper Award - Buildings Journal, Buildings, May 2024
  • Best Overall Paper, 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference + SimAUD, July 2022
  • Presidential Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016 - 2019
  • TODA Award, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Architecture, 2019
  • Structural Engineering Travel Fellowship, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Foundation, 2016
  • Hyzen Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
  • W Mack Angas Prize, Princeton University - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2012


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Member, Research Computing Committee, Research Computing Committee, August 2019

Service to External Organizations:




Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394