Standards of Conduct

The following policies and guidelines have been developed to help you gain the maximum benefit from your summer camp experience at Penn State. If you have questions about them, please talk to one of your program counselors.

Failure to observe these standards may result in expulsion from camp. Any student dismissed from camp for disciplinary reasons will not receive a refund.

Behavior Expectations and Necessary Skills 

For this program to be a positive experience and to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants, each youth is expected to:

  • Be respectful and courteous to one another, as well as to all instructor/staff members (not be disruptive)
  • Report on time to all scheduled activities. Only a program staff member may grant permission to be excused.
  • Actively engage in the learning experience provided (staying with the group and on task)
  • Observe the program rules (Standards of Conduct)
  • Follow given instructions
  • Respect the program/University facilities
  • Be able to navigate a large campus setting
  • Be able to conduct self appropriately while participating in the social activities outside the formal learning experience

General Policies

  • Participants are to report on time to all scheduled activities.
  • Participants are required to participate in all scheduled activities. Only a camp staff member may grant permission to be excused.
  • Courteous and respectful behavior is expected at all times to all camp staff and participants.
  • Participants are not permitted to leave the activity areas or go off campus unless accompanied or granted special permission by a camp staff member.
  • Misuse or damage of University property is unacceptable. Charges will be assessed against participants responsible for damaged or missing University property.
  • Cell phones may not be used/on during class or special sessions.

Residence Halls

  • You must abide by the following Residence Hall Regulations which prohibit the following:
    • Possession and use of alcohol or other drugs
    • Possession of fireworks, guns, and other weapons
    • Stealing
    • Violence of any kind (This includes sexual harassment.)
    • Tobacco products (Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings.)
    • Leaving the resident hall after 11:00 p.m.
    • Overnight guests (NO overnight guests are allowed.)
  • Males and females are housed in separate buildings/floors and are not allowed in-room visitation. Visiting may take place in the building lobby lounges only during approved hours specified by program staff.
  • Lock your room and keep your key with you at all times. If you lose your key, report the loss immediately to a camp staff member or the Commons Desk. A replacement key will be issued at an additional cost of $75.00.
  • If you are ill, see one of the program staff or counselors immediately, and you will be taken to the University Medical Center or Mount Nittany Medical Center.
  • Noise levels (including music) must be kept at a minimum.

Dining Halls

  • A meal card, issued at registration, will admit you to the dining hall for each meal.
  • A shirt and shoes must be worn in the dining halls.
  • Participants are expected to be courteous to dining hall personnel.
  • If you lose your meal card, report the loss immediately at the Commons Desk for a replacement.


  • If you drive a car to a summer camp, you must obtain a parking permit and park in your assigned parking lot. Failure to do so may result in a parking fine. Resident participants must surrender car keys to the counselor on their floor.

Behavioral Issues Will Be Handled as Follows*

  • First Incident — Warning and discussion with student
  • Second Incident — Discussion with parent/guardian
  • Third Incident — Student will be withdrawn from the program and the parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up the child immediately. No refund will be given.

*Depending on the nature and severity of the issue, dismissal may be on first incident.


Please keep in mind that during their stay at Penn State, campers are representing themselves, family, school, and community. While unacceptable conduct is not anticipated from participants, the University is prepared to deal with situations involving inappropriate behavior. Penn State maintains the right to dismiss any student for improper conduct. Any student dismissed from the program will not receive a refund. A parent/guardian will be notified immediately and expected to pick up the participant.


  • Who: High school students ages 15+
  • When: July 14–18, 2025
  • Where: Penn State University Park
  • Cost: $1,150
  • Register now » 



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556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394