Undergraduate Computing

Lab Access

Undergraduate architectural engineering (AE) students have access to labs located in 307/308 Sackett and the 301 EUA Design Studio.

While using the labs and design studio, please do not disconnect mice, keyboards, monitors, or other peripherals.

Please do not touch the speaker system in 301 EUA or disconnect anything from the podium computer. Everything is connected as it is for a reason, and you should not have to disconnect anything for it to work.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

AE computer labs are fully equipped with Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).

When logging into the VDI, students will see a tab named AE-VDI-LABS and AE-VDI-REMOTE. AE-VDI-LABS is to access the VDI in the labs, AE-VDI-REMOTE is to access the VDI outside of the labs remotely.

While using VDI, you will be prompted to sign into OneDrive. Any file that you save to your desktop or documents folder will automatically sync to your personal OneDrive. You will also see OneDrive under “File Explorer.” You will stay logged into OneDrive. You will be prompted to re-authenticate each month.


AE computer labs and thesis computers are equipped with a full suite of software applications. View the full list of available software

All versions of software that are installed at the beginning of the fall semester will remain installed the entire academic year.

If a student has access to software to install on their personal device, it is their responsibility to make sure it is the same version that is accessible on lab resources. We will not be upgrading software because of file issues due to version incompatibility.

Trace 3D Plus

Trace releases three updates per year, with the major update in late fall. If you run into an issue with a file and Trace Support suggests an upgrade, it is recommended that you ask them to troubleshoot the issue. They should be able to troubleshoot without Penn State IT having to upgrade. The version of Trace that is installed in the fall will remain throughout the fall semester and we will update it with the major update before the spring semester starts.

Bentley Software

Create your Bentley Education account. Make sure you fill out all information in your profile so it is associated as an educational account. Learn more about how to download and install Bentley Education software »


Create your Autodesk Education account to access Autodesk.

Card Access

All AE students have swipe access to 301 and 302 EUA, 307 and 308 Sackett, 306 EUC (Icon) Lab, and all swipe entrances to the Engineering Units after hours, as well as the North Ground entrance to Sackett for after-hours access.




Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394