Career Fair Student Host FAQs

Four things you need to know

What is a student host?

  • A student host is like an AE ambassador who supports one employer attending the AE Career Fair.

Why should I volunteer to be a student host?

Benefits to you:

  • You choose the employer you want to host during the Fair and become that company’s AE liaison.
  • Generate a relationship with a potential employer.
  • Make networking contacts.
  • Gain experience interacting and communicating with industry representatives (often AE alumni).

What does a student host do?

  • Answer employer questions about Penn State, the AE program, and the AE Career Fair.
  • Accompany your guest firm’s representatives to the Career Fair Kick-off Social the evening before the fair.
  • Assist employers with their Career Fair booth set-up.

How do I become a student host?

Instructions coming soon!

Contact information:

Related links:



Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394